Chapter 9

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Not surprising that only Christina, Will, and Tris show up to the simulation room. I had hoped on a small crowed, this is really only about Tris after all.

I call Christina back first, her simulation time takes almost thirty minutes. I offer her some advice on ways to maneuver through her fears once in the landscape and send her on her way. Will takes even longer. I grow impatient, drumming my fingers waiting for him to come out of the simulation.

I wait a few minutes before going to retrieve Tris, wanting to make sure the others have cleared the room first. I open the door, she sits there patiently, her eyes taking me in.

"C'mon Tris," I say with a slight smile, pressing my hand to her back as she passes me. I sit on the stool while I set up the serum. Tris remains standing, wringing her hands as if she is nervous.

"You okay?" I ask as sincerely as possible. She glances at me giving a slight nod, her bottom lip being assaulted by her teeth. I stand up and position myself in front of her, bring my hand to her face, rubbing my thumb across her bruised cheek. "Does it hurt?" I ask her.

"Not as bad as my side." She says angling her eyes down. I take her comments as an invitation to be brave. I step even closer, dropping my hand from her face and bringing it to the hem of her shirt.

"Can I take a look?" My voice barely audible. Tris looks at me nervously before silently nodding.

I swallow hard, my hands tremble as I pull the hem of her shirt up just enough to expose her injured side. It has taken on a black and purple appearance with a green outline. I wince at the sight before grazing my finger tips along the bruise so lightly, as if she may break. I feel Tris tense and inhale sharply. I instantly drop my hand, afraid I have hurt her. "Nothing appears broke, but you'll be sore for a few days." I Choke out and nervously look away from her.

"Are you ready Tris?" I ask and point her towards the chair. She takes a seat and exposes her neck to me for the injection. "Be Brave." Are the last words I say to her before her eyes flutter shut.

Tris stands in my apartment, 'I' sit on my bed in front of her. She steps closer and roams her hands up 'my' arms and brings them to 'my' face, cupping it as she feverishly presses her lips to mine. Simulation me lets out a groan and pulls her by the hips closer to him.

I suddenly feel very hot, my heart is racing as my breath quickens.

I watch Tris's hand rake up and down 'my' chest, "Four," she sighs against 'my' lips before reaching for the hem of 'my' shirt and pulling it over 'my' head.

Simulation Four devours her neck in kisses, tracing his mouth over her jaw and down her collar bone. His hand leaves her hips and roams down her thighs and back up, pulling her onto his lap so her legs straddle him.

I feel my cheeks heating up, and my pants are getting tighter by the second. I grip the edge of the stool trying to control myself.

I hear Tris let out a slight moan as 'I' run my tongue against her bottom lip. I intently watch 'my' hands grab the hem of Tris's shirt, ready to expose her body.

I feel my heart beat even faster at the thought of seeing her body. Part of me feels nothing but shame for wanting to. The other part is curious and aching with desire.

Simulation Four tugs her shirt over her head and leans back to gaze at her. I stop breathing when I see the look on 'my' face. 'I' smirk and push Tris off of 'my' lap. "Is something wrong?" she ask 'me' looking confused. Simulation me is now laughing as 'I' pull 'my' shirt back on. "You look like a child, I could never wan't you," 'I' hiss at her. Tris tries to cover her body ashamed and crying as 'I' continue to laugh. Her body racks with sobs as she falls to the floor.

I rip the electrodes off, and quickly walk to Tris. She is still coming out of the simulation when she see's me she covers her face. "Tris?" I plead as I take her wrist in my hands to pry them from her face. Her face is flush, her eyes refuse to meet mine. "Tris?" I try again, hoping she will look at me.

"I would like to leave now." She whispers. I don't want to cause her anymore torment.

"Okay." I help her up from the chair. I walk behind her has she heads to the door, I grab her arm before she can open it. She whips around, finally meeting my eyes. Her face still red, her eyes hazed with tears. I let out the breath I was holding.

"Do you remember where the party was the other night? Uriah's brother Zeke's place?" I wait for her to nod. "Meet me there at nine tonight, so we can finish our discussion from this morning, okay?"

She doesn't respond, and she is becoming more restless, clearly wanting to get as far away from me as possible right now.

"Tris.... I would never do that to you." Her eyes go cold and she shakes her head at me in frustration.

"You already did." Her voice is shaky before pulling her arm from my grip and walking out the door.

I stare at the door in disbelief. My thoughts quickly return to the memory of Tris standing in front of me, the sensation of her lips pressed to my neck. Her hands trembling as she clutched my back, and my hand grabbing hers and pulling them away.

Fuck. I rejected her not even meaning to. I curse myself under my breath before walking out, slamming the door behind me.

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