Chapter 31

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I observe Tris, fumbling with her hands as we wait for the sound of the train above. Just hours ago we laid in this net, kissing and touching each other into the early hours of morning. I smile at the remnants of wax on the floor. A gush of air hits us, alerting us that the train is approaching, soon the initiates will descend down, starting the clock on an impending war.

"Don't be nervous." I tell her quietly, although by the look on Lauren's face and the feeling in my gut, we all are. Eric yells down to prepare for the first jumper causing Tris to jump. I grab her hand, giving it a tight squeeze to let her know she is not alone.

A flash of white hits the net at first leading me to assume Candor. When I pull the boy from the net I realize he is dressed in all white. I give him an awkward look. "What Faction are you supposed to be?"

"We're not supposed to say. The council made everyone change into all white before choosing, so there wouldn't be any discrimination against the Factionless."

"Ok then. What's your name?"

"We're not supposed to use that either."

I roll my eyes at this whole situation. "Fine. If you're under nineteen stand on the left, if you're over, on the right. How many more are there?"

"A ton, more than one hundered at least, maybe even two. They're probably still jumping off the train honestly." My eyes go wide, there is no way we can accommodate that many new people, the Faction most likely can't even feed them. My thoughts are ripped from me when Max hits the net.

"Instructor's! There are too many of them to have them all jump, we're going to bring them in through the main entrance or else we would be here all day. they're bringing them around now, I expect you to be waiting for them."

"How many?"

"More than we planned for."

"I don't like this." Tris whispers when Max is a good distance away.

"Me either, just stay close." I whisper back, pressing my lips to her temple real quick.

When we reach the door we see a sea of white all filing in. Instantly Lauren and I start dividing up females and males, counting off to find out how many more beds will be needed.

"147. Final count. 41 females, the rest males. We're going to have to come up with a different way to divide them amongst instructors." I tell Lauren.

"Let's just go by age then, I can take the older ones since, well I am older. The younger ones will be more afraid of you anyways."

I agree and we announce how the initiates should divide themselves. Once we have the groups we decide to stick together while doing the tour. Since we are pressed for time, we will begin training today versus letting them settle in.

"Alright, when I dismiss you, Lauren's group will follow her to your dorm, my group will stay put, this is your dorm. You will find a bunk and change clothes. Once you're done you will eat and then meet in the training room in one hour. Initiation has been shortened in days which means the hours will be long. During training hours I expect you to be respectful and disciplined. What you do on your free time is up to you but I encourage you to do additional training. Look around the room, by the end of Phase I, only half of you will still be here. Those that don't make it will become Factionless. Any questions?"

I notice some smirks and eye rolls, I am willing to bet they're Candor. I clinch my fist, not wanting to engage them at the moment. "Alright, Lauren's group with her. Everyone better be on time, your hour starts now."

"There aren't enough bunks." A girl in my group blurts out.

"Then find a spot on the floor, beds will open up quick enough, at least one of you is bound to do something stupid enough to get yourself killed."

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