Chapter 19

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Even though Tris had reassured me she was okay with last night, I wake up feeling nervous and insecure.

"Tris?" I whisper, rubbing her side to wake her. She stirs a bit, groaning in protest of the morning. I smile, watching her body stretch limb to limb, tumbling across the bed until her feet meet the floor.

I lift my eyebrows at her, a humored expression on my face. "I'm not exactly a morning person." She scowls looking at me.

"I see that." My eyes catch glimpse of neck that is now littered with visible marks of my lust and ravage last night. My face falls and I suddenly feel sick to my stomach with shame.

I walk towards her, giving her a pained look as I run my thumb across the bruises. "What is it?" She ask curiously.

"Tris." I sigh, "I am so sorry, I lost control last night, there are marks. My voice is hoarse as I watch her carefully as she peers in the mirror hanging above my dresser. She runs her fingers across the bruised skin, her face is neutral not giving any indication of her thoughts or emotions.

"I'm sorry." I say again, my voice pleading.

She just looks at me and shrugs. "I guess they can't call me a stiff anymore." She may not show it, but I know she is pained, her innocence tainted because of me. My anger at myself is indescribable, my fist are balled and my expression stern.

"I'll never touch you like that again, I promise." I say quietly, my eyes towards the ground.

Tris lets off a bit of a giggle drawing my attention. "Dont be so dramatic Tobias, I told you last night, and I'll tell you again today, I am okay with everything that happened. I was ready to go a little further, and it felt different, but good." Her face now blushing. I just need to figure out what to tell Christina about these." She is pointing to her neck.

I shake my head and grin. "I can't help you with the Candor loud mouth." I pull her towards the door. I graze her fingers with mine as we walk towards the cafeteria, pulling her to my chest giving her a quick kiss before we have to part ways. "Zeke's at 8 tonight, if you want to come." She nods at me, allowing me to walk in first.

I look around for Zeke, finding him hovering over Shauna's shoulder. When I take my seat they both give me a grin. "What?" I say taking a bite of toast.

Zeke clears his throat. LI do believe I saw that little stiff walking in here covered with hickies." He raises his eyebrows at me, not even trying to control his laughter.

Shauna elbows him, trying  to cover her smile, I roll my eyes at both of them. "Oh come on Four, we're happy for you man, it's about time."

I'm getting irritated by the second. "THAT, did not happen, and won't be anytime soon." I snap at him. Their laughter just grows louder knowing that they have managed to get under my skin.

Tris is seated behind me, although I cannot see her I can hear her receiving the same treatment from Christina and Will. "I thought all you Abnegation folks did was touch fingertips once you're married," Will teases her.

"Well its a good thing I'm not in Abnegation anymore then." Tris responds bringing a smile to my face.

I listen to them banter back and fourth, Christina relentlessly trying to get Tris to name the mystery man. Tris occasionally giggling at their accusations. I let out a groan knowing it's time to start heading to training. I quickly rise and position myself at the head of the initiates table.

"Transfer's." I boom, gaining their attention quickly. "You're up first today, Dauntless borns will go after lunch. You only have a few more sessions before your final exam, I suggest you all focus on that." I say sternly, hoping to draw attention away from Tris. "Be in the landscape room in ten minutes."

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