Chapter 24

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I start to peek my eyes open when I feel Tris' gaze upon me. "You know, it's not very Abnegation of you to stare." I smirk at her.

"I don't think very many Abnegation things happen in here anyways." She says simultaneously rolling on top to me. I take in her beauty. Her hair is down and slightly tangled, her eyes are wide and bright, her skin carries a slight glow as if she doesn't have a care in the world. And her lips, they're soft and pink, perfect.

I laugh at her comment. "No, I guess you're right." I smile before hooking my fingers behind her ears and pulling her mouth down to mine. I part the kiss just enough to speak against her lips. "How are you feeling, about last night I mean? Are you okay with everything?"

"I was nervous, I still am honestly. I know last night I could have easily let things go further, but I don't know that I am ready for that. Not yet anyways."

I nod. "You know just because we did those things last night, doesn't mean we have to do them again. We can still wait, if you need more time now." I internally wonder if I have the self restraint to stop myself from touching her again now that I have.

She leans down and kisses me softly. "I don't think that will be necessary." She murmurs before deepening the kiss. My hands start to trail down her back, coming to rest on her ass, giving it a squeeze before pressing her closer to me.

"Tobias?" She breathes.

"Yeah Tris?" My voice husky as I begin running my hands up her bare back. Her warm skin causing my finger tips to tingle.

"How long are you wanting to wait, to... you know?" Her question takes me off guard. She sits straight up, her legs straddling me as she offers me her full attention.

I can't admit to her that I am afraid, afraid to give a piece of myself away and hope that she will cherish it. I feel my throat going tighter. "I never thought I would allow someone to touch me the way you have Tris. The thought of giving someone complete control over me like this is intimidating and not something I take lightly. When- if we do take that step, I want it to be for the right reasons, not just a physical one. Which, you're making very difficult right now." I smile moving my eyes to how she is sitting on me.

I watch as she processes my words, I can tell she is trying to find her own. "Thank you. For trusting me Tobias. With your body.... and your heart." Her words cause a rush of emotion to come over me that I didn't expect. I need her.

My body is suddenly very aware of her. "What time do you have to meet Max to choose your job today?" I realize we haven't even discussed what she will be choosing, but right now I can't think of anything else but her.

"We have time." She gives me a wicked grin as I try to pull her down onto me. She grabs my wrist and presses my arms into the mattress as she leans down to kiss me. "Don't move." She whispers in my ear as she places light kisses down my jaw onto my neck. I groan in response and tangle my hands into the sheets to keep try to restrain myself.

Her mouth hovers over my naked chest, her tongue circling my nipple causing my length to twitch. My heart races even faster the lower her mouth travels. My hips buck slightly when she swirls her tongue over my hip bone at the same time she begins to pull my boxers down.

"Trisssss." I hiss looking up at her. My chest rises and falls at a rapid rate as my erection becomes completely exposed. I watch in anticipation as Tris hovers over it, as if she is deciding her next move. I watch her intently as she skims her fingers down my shaft and slightly grasp my balls.

"Do you like being touched here?" She ask as she curiously explores me.

I can't speak so I only nod. My eyes are squeezed shut, surrendering myself to her will. Only a brief moments passes before I feel her hand gliding up and down me, purposely allowing her thumb to round my head on every up movement. I moan uncontrollably as I realize this may be the quickest I ever come. My stomach is already building that familiar tension and my pulse races.

Divergence: ChoicesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang