Chapter 22

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I wake before Tris, it must be habit by now, not being able to sleep in. I take a moment to drink her in, the world seems so carefree, just two teenagers falling in love. I linger over her a few more minutes, a content smile on my face before forcing my feet to the ground.

I try to be as quite as possible when I close the apartment door behind me. I figured I would grab breakfast and take it back for Tris, it's a rare occasion we get to share a meal together, and a small gesture I know she will appreciate.

It's still early in the compound, almost everything is still closed in the pit, one store in particular catches my attention though. As I glance through the door the envious look on Tris's face of Uriah and Marlene comes to mind. A smile forms on my face as I walk through the door, skimming the glass cases until I find the perfect thing.

Breakfast in hand I walk through the door to find Tris still fast asleep, looking as though she didn't even move. I sit down on the bed next to her thinking about how much this small but fierce girl has already changed my life. I am startled by the memory of her young face, tear stricken with sympathy handing me a daisy at my mothers funeral. I swallow hard remembering the pain of that day, the first day of the rest of my miserable childhood. It also brings back the anger and disgust when I found out it was all a lie.

"What has you in such deep thought so early in the morning?" Tris says groggily, her voice pulling me from my own disparity.

"Just admiring the view," I say stroking her hair away from her face.

She just rolls her eyes at me as she sits up. "Do I smell breakfast?" She cheerfully stretches her arms above her head. 

"You do." I smirk grabbing her hand and pulling her from the bed.

We eat in a comfortable silence, stealing glances at one another as though we're hesitant for the other to see. I take her empty plate and wash the dishes, allowing her to get dressed for the day. She appears from the bathroom looking radiant, taking my breath as usual.

"I have to meet Christina soon, she wants to go shopping." I look at her face, she is clearly not thrilled about it.

"Sounds fun." My tone is slightly sarcastic. "What are you shopping for exactly?" I pull her into my arms greedily.

"A dress, for tonight. We're going to a club in the Pit. Obviously not my choice." She looks at me nervously for a moment. "Could you come?"

I know we can't go together, how would that look? I see the sadness on her face as each second passes and I don't answer her. "I will see if Zeke wants to go." My thumb travels up to her bottom lip, brushing it lightly before I capture it with mine. "I have something for you."

She looks shocked when I pull a small box from my pocket, her eyes watching me intently as I open it. She gasp, running her fingers across a simple silver chain with a single round pendant, with the word Tris engraved across it. "It's beautiful Tobias, you shouldn't have."

"I wanted too." I whisper to her as I turn her around so I can place it around her neck. When she turns back around I can't help but notices it falls perfectly above the center between her breast.

"Do you like it?"

"I do, very much." I watch contently as her fingers continue to brush over where it hangs.

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