Chapter 28

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She stares at me impatiently from across the table. The only lights are the random burning barrel that light the Factionless occupied warehouse. I try to be polite, accepting what food they have to offer, but I grow restless.

"How are things Tobias? I haven't heard from you. Have you given my offer any further consideration?"

Her offer, to come live with her here, to help her lead the Factionless. It did seem appealing, living in true freedom, not bound by limits or rules. But then, she jumped. From the moment she hit the net, I knew I could never leave her.

"I am happy where I am. I appreciate the offer, but I will remain at Dauntless."

"Oh? Then why are you wandering my streets this late?" I roll my eyes. She is not the caring and nurturing woman I remember. She has grown cold and bitter, self-entitled. I can't blame her I suppose, living with Marcus is enough to bring darkness to even the lightest of souls.

"To evaluate how many potential initiates there may be next week." I lie.

"Why would you think you would have any? These people were cast out by the Factions, why would they ever want to go back?" I shrug, I don't want to get into a political debate with her.

"I don't know. I really don't care, I just have to get things ready for training." I try to keep my tone bored and disinterested but honestly I wonder how much she actually knows. "Were you involved in this process? In deciding there would be another choosing day?"

She looks up at me, a skeptical glare crosses her face. "Please." She laughs. "As if the leaders, would ever include me in any discussion." I nod agreeing with her.

"I appreciate your hospitality however, I should be getting back. I have to be up early and today has already been long." She gives me somewhat of a sad smile.

"You know Tobias, you should visit more often. Maybe next time you could bring your girlfriend, introduce us." My eyes dart to hers. There it is, there is always something behind her smile.

"What makes you think I have a girlfriend?"

"I am your mother, I know you better than you know yourself. You were miserable when I found you, wanted nothing more than to leave Dauntless. Now a sudden change of heart? Those types of changes only happen when you're in love."

Her words make my blood boil. Mother? What kind of mother leaves her young child with a sadistic monster of a father. She left me and I took her place as his punching bag. "You don't know anything about me." I snap at her. 

She just shakes her head at me. "One day you'll understand. When you become a parent."

"No, no I will never understand anything you have done. I will never understand how you leave your child to be beaten and starved almost daily. To leave him to live in fear and disparity everyday so that you could run off and be free. I mourned you everyday of my childhood. You don't get a second thought now that I know the truth." I push up from the table, refusing to stay in her presence any longer.

I jog down the street, desperate to get further and further away. I am lucky enough to spot a Factionless man, Charles. He has helped me in the past as I have helped him in return. I offer him the food and liquors I brought in exchange for the safe delivery of my letter to Abnegation. It shouldn't be a hard task given that Abnegation volunteers with the Factionless almost daily. I just pray it somehow doesn't wind up in the hands of Marcus.

It is late by the time I make it back to the compound. Outside of my door is when it hits me that I will open the door to an empty apartment, crawl into an empty bed, and wake up alone. I look down the hall, fighting myself to not go beat down Tris' door. The choice is in her hands though, whatever it is, I need to focus on just keeping her alive and hidden from Erudite.

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