Chapter 33

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- Flashback -

I burst into Max's office, not caring to knock. He looks up from his desk startled and furious at my entrance.

"Where the hell are my initiates?"

"Excuse me?"

"The initiates were not at training today, Eric has dismissed me back to the control room saying he is now in charge of training."

Max sighs tossing a stack of papers to the side. "I will take care of Eric and have the initiates back in the training room."  He stands up ready to chase Eric down.

"Actually Max, there is something else." He nods at me to continue. "I would like to accept your offer for a leadership position, with the exception I can keep my position as initiate trainer."

"Wow, that's very unexpected. There is of course training that will need to be done that will be a little difficult while training is going on. How about this, you can spend a couple hours after lunch each day with me. I'm sure Lauren and Tris will be fine without you for a couple hours."

I nod, accepting his plan and thank him.

"Four? I think you made a wise decision. Just keep an open mind, things aren't always what they seem." I furrow my brows, wanting to ask questions but remembering why I am here. I need to play along with him, I need to get him to trust me.

- Flashback End -

"Hey Four, how's our favorite leader today?" Uriah smirks at me taking his place next to Tris and I for lunch. I roll my eyes before giving him a death glare

"Are you two ready for tonight? Everything is in place." Zeke ask. Tonight Uriah and I will begin working on corroding the wall behind the storage room. From now on we will have to work on it a few times each week.

"I have the rope and harnesses, we had extras for zip lining, they should suffice. We can meet at your place to get ready before hand." Uriah tells Zeke.

I feel Tris' hand slip into mine, her thumb running across the top of my knuckles. I look down at her smiling, wishing now more than ever we were alone.

I feel her tug on my hand, demanding my attention. She clears her throat. "I'm going to head back to the training room, I need to get some things out of the equipment closet before we start."

I give her a confused look, wondering what she could possibly need. Her hand grips my thigh and suddenly I understand.

"I'll come help you." I say quickly getting up to follow her. Tris smiles at me before taking off towards the training room.

I press the lock on the closet door, turning towards Tris ready to devour her. Her finger presses to my lips stopping me just short of hers. Her arms slink around my waist, pulling her head against my chest. I wrap my arms tightly around her. "Hey... are you alright?"

"I'm just worried about you. I didn't know if we would have a chance to be alone, before you go with Uriah."

"There is nothing to be worried about, I will be alright." I tilt her head up to look at me, pressing my lips to her crown.

"But, your fears." I inhale sharply, I had tried to not think about dangling one hundred feet in the air as I descend into a place barely large enough to accommodate my body. But this is for her, to protect her.

"It's okay Tris, I'll be okay." My mouth connects with hers, my tongue greedily prying it's way between her lips. It's the type of kiss you can get lost in. My hands rest on her hips, dragging them flush with mine. Her hands slip below my shirt, digging her nails into the flesh of my back. Somehow I have become addicted to this. Needing this kind of intimacy every chance we get, and it's not about physical wanting, it's about the need to be this close to her.

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