Part 6

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I woke up the next morning, did my normal morning things and I texted everyone to make sure they were still coming. They all said yes. So hours went by and they finally came. So I told eveyone the story and then Kana asked"Is Marvin in this story?" And everyone oooooed in unison. Since you don't know, Marvin has been my crush since fifth grade. I said no, and that they were really annoying. Well nothing else really happend the rest of the day. But the next day I get a text from Beth and Jane asking why they weren't invited to the party the day before. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. The next day, My mom gets a text from Jane's mom asking if Jane and I could talk. At first I was like"ummm, no." But my mom replied"Sure!" So Jane and her mom came over and the mom's were talking and then her mom was just asking ME questions. Not Jane, not my mom, me. So I told her about how her daughter was telling everyone on the bus what had happend that day but she denied that she did that. I stared at her in disbelif. I stared at her mom in disbelif. My mom stared at me in disbelif. I said"Well, I guess I misheard." I was so angry.

So after they left I went in my room and screamed into my pillow. I was furious. I could litteraly feel steam coming out of my ears. At that point I didn't know who I could trust anymore. But really that is all I could think of because I was so mad. From that point on, things between Jane are always going to be a little more tense then it used to be. And after that, I thought that Jane would stop being friends with Beth because she was so close to ruining our friendship, but NO! She is still best friends with Beth after that whole shin-dig. I'm going to stop here for the day.Bye!

A 6th Grade StoryWhere stories live. Discover now