Part 15

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                            2 weeks later...
So it has been a roller coaster of my life lately. The choral winter concert is coming up so fast and Asher and I hit 3 weeks and we are so excited for our 1 month anniversary next week. I have been so nervous about chorus. Asher has kept on telling me how beautiful my voice is since he sits right in front of me which has given me so much more self confidence. I'm not surprised because Asher is so amazing it. I am so happy every day that he is in my life. He is like the other half of me. I don't know what I would do without him.

So one nice Friday, I am actually happy to go to school because I was so in a mood to see Asher. " Hey sweetheart, do you what name to drive you to school today!" My mom asks. " Sure! That would be so nice." I reply. Sometimes I hate standing outside to wait for the bus because it is 7:00 in the morning, the middle of the winter, and it is right under a huge tree. That kind of speaks for itself that it is way too cold. So I really enjoy it when my mom takes me to school. So we are so close to pulling up at the school and then I realize, it is 8:05, I'm late for school. I mean it really wasn't that late, but I have never been late for school, and I'm not really wanting to find out what happens when you are. So I say bye to my mom, run out of my car, into the school and to my locker. I quickly put on my combination, get my books and run into my class. Thankfully, my teacher wasn't in the room yet, so I got a chance to get all of my supplies and put down my books. I open my homework binder, realizing that I didn't do my homework for science. And I didn't have a study hall that day. Immediately I start to feel my heart to pump faster. I have always been an A+ student. I have never gotten one detention, I have never turned in one late assignment. I got so nervous. I decide to go to the bathroom to calm down. I write a pass, got it signed and made my way up the stairs. On the stairs, I pass Gisele, a girl that is in Asher's homeroom. " Hey Gisele! Is Asher here today?" I ask. " Oh hey April! No he isn't, sorry." I feel my heart drop. Like I said before, Asher is like my other half. I don't know what I do without him. I thank her, but right after I walk away, I feel tears well up into my eyes. I feel my hands start to shake. My knees become unsteady. Everything becomes blurry. I know what is happening. I'm having an anxiety attack.

I try to get a grasp onto the wall so I have something to hold onto because I feel as if I am going to fall over. I walk into the bathroom and I walk over to the sink, slap my pass onto the floor, I look and the mirror and cry. What is happening to me? How can I be in such a good mood in the morning and now this is happening to me? First I'm late for school, next I don't do my homework, now my other half isn't at school. This already is such a terrible day.

I keep my head down for the entire period, pretending like I'm reading my book. When the bell rings, I push people out of the way, tears still streaming down my face. I sprint up the stairs. I needed to get to my next class because Wendy and Kana were I this class and I needed to be with them. As I come into the clearing, I see them waiting outside of the classroom. 
" April! What happened? Why are you crying?" They ask. " I-I a-am hav-ving an anxiet-ty attack." They all huddle around me. Marvin was in this class and I look up over Wendy's shoulder and I see him walking up the stairs with Alex. When our eyes met, he looks so troubled. " April! What is the matter?" He says. I try to say that I'm having an anxiety attack but I can't say it because when I opened my mouth, I just kept on crying. Wendy spoke for me. We all were allowed into the class by a substitute. I took my seat, my hood over my head. Everyone around me was staring at me. I felt so uncomfortable. I just wanted to go home, or at least be with Asher. I go to the bathroom again and in the way this time, I see Jennifer. I cannot believe such an amazing guy like Asher would date such a mean person like Jennifer. It doesn't make senses to me. He deserves so much better than that. Me looking at her at that moment made even more tears run down my face.

I do the same thing I did the last time I was in the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror and I cried. I think I cried in the mirror for about 10 minutes. When I walked back into the classroom, I was still crying, but not so heavily. When I took my seat, I found out that a math test was being administrated. " Oh, this shouldn't be that hard," I thought to myself. I take my pencil, flip my paper over and I stared my test. When I looked at this test, my mind blanked. I haven't learned any of this math before. My class was majorly behind all of the other 6th grade classes. I was so confused. I had no clue what to do. This was great for my anxiety. I just winged the entire test, which was only 6 questions. I just waited for the bell to ring so I could get to lunch, although it is not going to be fun without Asher.

~~~~~~~~~~~Hey guys I know this is different for me because I don't post long chapters but I hope you like this new part to my story😁<3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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