Part 24

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**Hoi everyone! I just want to make a quick disclaimer. Since this story is titled 'A Sixth Grade Story' this book will be about sixth grade. So when I am finished with this school year, which is sixth grade, I will finish this book. And if you would like an exact date that this book will be finished, it will probably be on June 26. Okey, that's all I wanted to say. Back to April-**

"Yo, did you hear that April and Michal are dating?" "Yeah I heard he asked her out at lunch today." This is all I hear in school the rest of the day. Murmurs in the hallway about Michal asking me out. Like I said previously, drama in my school spreads like a wildfire, so this is no surprise. But at the end of the day, I did find a surprise waiting for me at my locker. I just came back from ninth period gym and I'm barely making it alive. I felt like I was going to fall over. Compared to a lot of people, I am tall. So I can see over large distances in the hallway. So when I was lugging my books to my locker, from afar I see a tall, very attractive guy in a Hollister sweatshirt. I soon realize that Michal was waiting for me at my locker! As soon as I see him, I start sprinting to my locker. "How did you know where my locker was?" I ask him when I get up to him. "Oh, I've been looking..." He says with a mischievous glint in his eye that makes my heart beat out of my chest. "O-oh, y-ou have..." I stammer. "Since in your boyfriend now, I want to walk out with you, is that okay?" He asks me. "Oh my, of course!" I say.
I gather up all of my materials and Michal and I start our way out of the school. We had just started walking and then I feel something laying upon my shoulders. I look up and Michal has his arm around me. No boy has ever done that before. I didn't know how to react, so I just kept on waking like nothing even happened. But as people were passing us, they had the opposite reaction. People would either stare, or go, "Aweeeee!" And Michal And I would look at each other and smile. Needless to say, this is the most romantic walk out of school that has ever occurred to me.
We are standing in front of my bus, because Michal insisted that he walked me to my bus. "Oh well, my bus is about to leave." I say. "Yeah , I should start waking home." He says. "Michal..." there was I very dramatic pause, "... I love you." I say. "I love you too April." He says. Right before my bus leaves, he gives me a giant hug. I never wanted to let go. He made me so happy. I never wanted to say goodbye to him. But eventually I had to and I climbed upon the bus.

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