Part 12

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As I walk into the bathroom, I hear someone is in there so I quietly walk into a stall. I plop down my books on the floor and I cry. I cannot believe she embarrassed me like that. Well, I take that back, I can believe that she would embarrass me. That is something that I can totally see her doing. So as I am sitting of the toilet, I hear the other that was in the bathroom leave so I come out of the stall with my books, just to see Beth standing right in front of me.

" I'm going to be the first to say this," She starts, " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It was really mean. If I could take back all of the negative comments I have said to you, I would. April, I want to be your friend. I have always wanted to be your friend. Can we maybe start over?" "... Of course." We both hugged and I felt so much better about myself. "Oh and by the way, do you know what Marvin did the other day?" " What?" I reply. " He asked me out! But the answer for me is a hard no." WOW. Can't wait to see his reaction.

As we both walk back into the cafeteria, we see the three tables staring at the entrance, I guess waiting for us. When they see us walk in together, they all looked shocked. " Them walking together? Is this some sort of parallel universe?" We sit back down at our tables and I tell everyone," We're good, stop worrying so much." " Yeah," Beth says, " Oh and Asher, ASK HER OUT ALREADY! YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BE HER BOYFRIEND!" This goes on and on for the rest of the period and then the bell rings. " Oh April? If he doesn't ask you out by tomorrow, let me slap him, ok?" " Ok Beth, I'll see you at the end of the day."

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