Part 8

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I walk into my math class, and I tell one of my best friends, Anna that I just met a super cute guy in chorus! She flooded me with question." Who is he? Is he taller than you? Who are his friends? Is he annoying, because I can't let you date someone who is annoying." "Stop Anna, your being so annoying!" We walked into math and sat through our 42 minuets of BORDOM! When the bell rang, we sprang from our sears and ran to our next class. We took our seats, and then I sat down, and took a nap because it was a study hall. I woke up to the bell ringing which meant it was time to go home. I jumped out of my seat and ran to my locker. I put in my combination and put down my books and took out my backpack. I grabbed my jacket, closed my locker and walked out of the school. I feel a tap on my back. I spin around and see Asher. "Hey Asher!" " Hey April! Can I talk to you?" He asked. " Sure, what's up?" "Umm yeah, I know someone who likes you, like a lot." " Oh that's nice, who is he?" I asked. " Oh, um, l will tell you tomorrow, ok?" He said " That's fine, ok see you tomorrow Asher!" " Bye April." I feel my face. I think I looked like a tomato. Oh. My. Goodness. Tomorrow is going to be crazy.

So the next day, I open my locker up and get my books and then I go strait to Asher's locker. On the way there, Anna pulls my arm back. "Where are you going? Homeroom is just about to start." " Oh, I have to go to Asher's locker to talk to him." I tell her. " Ok, I will save you a seat, bye!" I walk up to his locker and tap his shoulder. "Umm, Asher? Hi" "Oh, hi April. I guess your here to find out who likes you." He says. " Yeah, right." He pulls out a small green slip of paper out of his pocket. " The person who likes you is inside of this piece of paper, ok?" " Got it." I began to open it and he clasped his hands over mine. " Oh, do you think you could do it during homeroom?" " Um ok." I walked away and into my classroom as the bell rang. I sat in my seat next to Anna. I slowly open up the note. Inside it said" I really like you April." I dropped the note. I felt my face turn red. It was so red that Anna asked if I wanted to go to the nurse. " No, but Anna, read this. But don't tell." She read the note and looked up at me with her mouth opened. Then I saw a smile creep onto her mouth. " April! Your going to get a boyfriend!" As these words escaped her mouth, I thought of Marvin. I realized that I didn't feel anything for him anymore. I was so happy! I didn't like Marvin anymore. Even though he was super nice, I felt like he put me under a spell that I couldn't escape, no matter how hard I tried. I left homeroom feeling that I  accomplished something really big.

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