Part 25

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                     One month later....
Well, besides being with Michal for the past month, nothing has really happened. Everyone is really happy right now, and I'm loving life at the moment. I never have been able to say that life is exactly where I want it to be, but right now I feel like I can say that.
So the morning after our one month anniversary, I was walking into the cafeteria to get some breakfast. I grabbed my Poptart and took a seat. I'm about halfway through my
Poptart when I realize someone is sitting next to me. "Helloooo." The persons voice sang. I looked to see who it was. It was Michal. "Oh my gosh, hi Michal!" I say as I give him a hug. " Hi April." He say. For about 20 minutes, we just talked about random crap and things like that. But eventually, Michal asked me a particularly interesting question. "Um April, I was wondering. How long have you liked me for?" He asks me. I have like him pretty much the whole school year, but I thought that it was a little much. So I just said ever since I broke up with Asher, which was about a month and a half. "Oh, really?" He asks. "Well, I have liked you a lot since Asher introduces me to you when you first started dating." Shut. The hell. Up. That is like four freakin months!! "Oh, wow. Really?" I ask. "Yes." He says. After that conversation, the bell rang so we needed to get to our classes.
(I'm just going to skip to the end of the day)
So I'm walking out with Michal, he has his arm around me as per usual. We are just talking about school, the amount of work that we get, fights that happened today, things of that sort. So we are pretty much in front of my bus. And then, I got an idea in my head. "Michal, I have to ask you a question. Would it be weird if I kissed you?" I ask. "Nope, not at all." He says. He started to lean in and I did the same. He pressed his lips up against mine. He was kissing me. And I was kissing him back. When we eventually released, we started at each other in astonishment. And then, we said goodbye for the weekend and I climbed my bus. I took my seat, my heart beating a mile a minute. I just kissed Michal. Michal kissed me. We kissed. I had my first kiss. Honestly, this is what I dreamed of what my first kiss of being. Not being in snow, or it's raining. I just wanted to be with a guy that I truly loved. When I was with Asher, I think I only liked him for his looks. But Michal, he is my everything. I will never stop loving him.

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