Part 26

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I love him. I love him more and more each day. Michal and I are almost at 2 months which I still don't even really understand. Our anniversary is January 31 and we are in the third week of March.
"Oh their he is!" Lily shouts as Michal walks through the doors of the school. When we meet eyes, he smiles and waves. I do the same. "Hey April." He says as he gives me a hug and kisses me on the cheek. "Hey Michal" I say as I pull him in a little closer as I hug him. When we let go, our hands fall next to each other and our fingers lace together. He starts rubbing soothing circles on the palm of my hand. I look up and smile, and then put my head on his shoulder. "Ok you two love birds, homeroom is about to start. Let's get moving." Lily says. "Ok" we say in unison as we start walking as our hands are still interlocked. "I love you so much, April." He says as we are walking. "I love you too Michal." I say and when I look up, we gaze into each others eyes for a long time, and then he leaned in and pressed his soft lips on mine. This made my heart flutter and go crazy. An excessive amount of "Oooooos" and "Aweeeeees" in the hallway. "COUPLE GOALS!" a few people shout out. Three of those people, Kana, Wendy and Lily. My three best friends have always been so supportive of everything that I do, and I am so freakin blessed that they are in my life.
"Ok guys, we are going to go down to the computer lab and take our reading tests." My first period teacher says. We all immediately jump up out of our seats and start running for the door, pencils and notebooks dropping on the cracked ceramic tiles. "Hold  on!" The teacher said loudly. "I have to put you guys in a specific order." The teacher says as we all moan. "Dammit Anna, I was going to sit next to you!" I say. "Ok guys enough, now I'm going to put you guys in order. This is how you are going to walk down to the computer lab and the order you are goi g to sit at the computers. If any of you guys change spots with anyone, you will get detention." So we all longingly got into our specific spots, mine was next to a guy that I liked at the time, Jarell, and it was also next to Lily, who at the time I didn't know at all.
We are all walking in the hallway, peering through classrooms, and I passed one classroom, Mr. Quincy's room, I saw a guy. He was gazing off into nothingness in the hallway. We locked eyes when we saw each other. I know realized that this was Michal. We both meekly smiled at each other and my heart was beating out of my chest. My face was redder that a tomato. When I walked away, I was on cloud nine, but I didn't think about it for the rest of the day. So we all were just waking in the hallway of our run down school, posters for clubs that are ripped, gum stuck on the walls, the paint chipping off of everything. I was staring at my feet, counting my footsteps. The computer lab was about a 2 minute walk from my first period class, so I just appreciated the time I had not doing any work.
So when we arrived at the computer lab, we all sat down at our computers, trying to log on because these computers are so old and slow. "Ugh, none of these computers are working!" I say as I slam my hands on the desk. I look next to me and I see Lily chuckle at the joke I made. "I know, right?" She says. "Hey, are you and Jarell dating?" She asks. Now, in the beginning of the year, everyone in my class thought that Jarell and I were dating, which we weren't. I mean, I liked him, and everyone said he liked me, but were weren't an item. "Oh no! Of course not! I hate him!" I lie. Only Anna, Kana and Wendy know that I liked him at the time, and I wasn't about to let everyone know I liked him. "Why do you ask?" I say. "Oh, no reason..." Lily says with a smirk on her face. "Wait, do you like him?" I ask excitedly. She doesn't reply but her smirk turns into a huge grin. "Oh my freakin god! You do! Oh, you guys would like so cute together!" I exclaim. I don't really mind it when other people like the same guy I do. So we are taking our tests on the computer when I asked her a question. "Hey, do you go on bus number 52?" "Yeah, I do! How did you know?" She questioned. "That's the same bus I go on!" I exclaim. "Do you want to sit next to me on the bus  today?" I ask. "Sure!" She says. "Oh, I'm April by the way." "I'm Lily." She says.
That's how it started. That is how I made one of the closest friends I ever had in my first week of middle school.
**If any of you guys know the account ang5107 and you read her book '12 Years', which you should if you aren't already, you realize that she has the exact same story in one of her chapters. This is actually how we first met in irl! She is one of my closest friends ever and she is absolutely amazing! You guys all need to follow her right now and read all of her stories. And if you were wondering, my name in the story is Rose. Okie my beautiful ones, that's all for today! Bye!!**

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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