Part 16

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About 1 week later....

The rest of the day was pretty boring. I mean, it's school. How exciting could it get?

So Monday rolls around again, and I really needed to see Asher. I walk into school and I see him at his locker. Thank GOD he was here. I had to tell him what had happened that Friday. So I walk to my locker before anything so I can get my books. After I shut my locker, I walk over to Asher. " Hey Asher! I missed you on Friday. Where were you?" " Oh hey April. I missed you too. I was sick." So then I proceeded to tell him about my anxiety attack. He seemed worried and he said he would always be there for me which immediately me feel better. The bell rang so we all went to our first four classes of the day which as per usual are so boring. Then lunch comes. When I get to the table I see Becca, Yenely, Jada and Ashlyn all writing passes. " Where are you guys going?" I ask. " Oh, we are all going to the library because we have to finish a report." Ashlyn says. " Oh okay." They all quickly finish their lunch and go off to the library. Strangely, lunch was pretty uneventful. As we sit and wait for the bell to ring, I say to Asher, " Oh Asher? Do you want me to wait for you at the bottom of the stairs when you come down to go to the group chorus rehearsal?" " Sure! That would be nice. I'll see you then."

So he 8th period bell rings and we are about to go to our normal classes but then we hear an announcement. " Will all 6th grade chorus members report to the auditorium." We all start running to the auditorium but I stop at the bottom of the stair case to wait for Asher. I wait there for about 1 minuets but then I feel a tug on my arm. It was Becca. We all had to go. So I assumed that Asher had already gone off to the auditorium. When I walked him, I saw him in his seat. With that bright smile, that tan skin, and his brown eyes and the dark brown and blonde dyed hair. And also his black sweatshirt and bleached jeans that he always wore. It was his go to outfit. I felt so happy when I saw him. He looked so happy when he saw me. I was ecstatic about the end of the day because it was going to be with him.

So I couldn't find a seat anywhere close to him so I ended up sitting about seven rows away from him. We didn't have to wait long until Mrs. Franklin come into the front of the room with her microphone. " Ok everyone, quiet down. Now, as you all know our concert is next week. We will start today's rehearsal by getting our spots on the risers." We all hop out of our seats and go to the stage. We pick our spots on the risers. Unfortunately mine was on the top row and Asher's was on the bottom row. " Ok everyone. Now the moment you guys have been waiting for. We will be announcing who has gotten the solo in our song. And the lucky people are... Savanna and April! Congratulations ladies!" The whole auditorium gets very loud. I was so happy! In elementary school I had never gotten a solo. But now in middle school, out of 139 kids, I have one? So we come to the front of the room which I was happy about because I was closer to Asher. We sang through the song one time and as I sang, I felt my hands start to shake. " Huh, that's weird. It must just be my nerves getting to me." So we sing through the song again but this time my heart starts to beat really fast. What is happening? I hope to assume that I'm just really nervous. So we sing through the song a third time but this time, my eyes become really wet. Is this happening again? Am I having another anxiety attack?

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