Part 18

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So we all come back from the weekend which was pretty uneventful on my part. I walk into school with Becca and we both go to our lockers. After I had my materials, I went to go see where Asher was. I noticed he wasn't at his locker. So I walked back to my classroom. But then I realized I needed a pencil so I went back to my locker. I was putting in my combination until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to see Asher. " Hey April!" He says. " Hey Asher!" " Do you wanna take a walk with me?" He asks. " Sure!" I reply. So we walk up the stairs, and then stall for about 2 minutes. In those 2 minutes he looked really nervous. Almost uncomfortable around me. Like if I looked at his eyes, he looked at me for a half a second, and then looked away. So I decided to look down at my black Vans. They were brand new so I didn't want to get them dirty.
When the announcements came on, we decided to walk back to our classrooms. We said bye until lunch and parted ways.

In third period, I was sitting at a table with Wendy and Ari. I had to use the bathroom so I wrote a pass and when to the bathroom. On the way, I passed Beth. " Hi Beth!" I say. " Hey April? How are you dealing with it?" " Dealing with what?" I say. " Asher. You guys broke up, right?" She says. "No! Of course not! Why would that happen?" " Well.. promise you won't get mad... he is cheating on you, but it is for real this time." She says. My heart drops.       
" What?" I say with a very meek voice. " He is?" " Yeah, I'm so sorry April. You deserve so much better that him." " I-I's fine. I'm gonna go." I say as my voice shakes. " Ok, bye." She says. When I finally get into the bathroom, I try to contain myself, but I can't. I start to cry. And I know that I have said that I have cried a lot in this story, but this might be the most I ever cried at school. I sat in the stall and cried for probably about 10 strait minutes. It was like my eyes were thunder clouds that won't stop pouring. I could not believe it. I know I was told before that Asher was cheating on me and they weren't true, but I believed Beth. I walk out of the stall to try and calm down. When I look at my face, it has completely gone red. My eyes were red from crying so much and my actual face looked like a tomato. I splashed myself with cold water which actually helped a lot. When I left the bathroom I went down to my locker so I could quickly redo my makeup because it was messed up, big time. I put some powder on, a few quick coats of mascara, and some lip balm. I shut my locker, sprinted up the stairs because the bell was about to ring.

When I got back into my classroom, everything was normal. The bell was about to ring so I grabbed my binder and headed for the door. When I walked out, I went straight for the room that Asher came out of. As I approached the door, about five people passed by me and said, " Asher is cheating on you with Zoe."
When he walked out I came up to him and said,  " Hey Asher, umm, have you heard what people are saying? They are saying that you are cheating on me with Zoe. Your not, right?"
"Oh umm, no? Of course not... I would never do that. And, who is Zoe?" Now, this is when I got suspicious. Asher has talked about Zoe before. But he always said that she was just a friend. Now he claims to not know her? Ok.

I walk into the cafeteria, trying to hide my feelings. But when I walked in, the sight of Asher made me cry. I flipped my hood over my head, sat at my lunch table and started to cry. As people started to file in, my friends came up to me and asked what was wrong. Now as this is all happening, Asher isn't seeing any of it. He isn't seeing that his supposed "girlfriend" was crying. No. He was just talking to his friends about his life. When Yenely walked in, she came strait to me. " April, what's wrong?" " Asher, he is cheating on me!" I say. " I knew it."
She mumbles to herself. " Yo Asher!" She says. " Why are you cheating on April?" " I'm not!" Asher says like a child. It was almost like a whine. " Well you sure did something, cause your making your girlfriend cry!" She says. Now I don't know what she said, but when she said that, that made me cry even harder. And which made it worse, Asher still didn't care. He was standing there acting like he didn't do anything. " I think you need to apologize to her." She says like a mother disciplining a child. " Ugh, fine! April, I'm sorry I made you cry." He says. I was so annoyed at him. But, I accepted his apology and still hoped that it was a lie what Beth has said. I would have done anything to save our relationship.

Next period I had chorus with Asher. For the first 30 minutes, he didn't say anything to me. Finally, I tapped his shoulder. " Asher, are we good? I don't want you to be mad at me." "Yeah, I guess, we're fine." He said. The tone of his voice made me not believe him at all. I slumped down in my chair for the rest of the period and in the rest of the classes I had for that day.

At the end of the day, I needed to clear everything up with him. I packed up my backpack and ran to find Asher. I went to his locker and he wasn't there. So I ran outside, luckily to find him. " Asher!" I yell out so he could hear me. He turns around with a smile on his face, but when he sees me, that smile faded into a frown. He turns fully around. " Yeah?" He says. " Oh, I just wanted to make sure everything was cool between us." " Yeah, whatever, were fine." He replies. He walks away with his back still fully turned to me, and  standing there, my backpack slumped over my shoulder, feeling like the world is falling apart.

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