Part 19

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I walk into the bus, completely in shock. I had no clue what I had just encountered. He just blew me off completely. I immediately tell Becca what happened. " April, you gotta break up with him." She says. " I know. I'm going to do it first thing in the morning.

When I get home, I start to regret that decision. I didn't really want to actually break up with him because I still really liked him. But I knew he didn't like me. I knew I had a lot of thinking to do.

I walk into school that next morning with my fist clenched and my head held high. I was ready to do it. I walk to my locker to get my books. " Hey April." Becca says. " Hey Becca." " Have you made your decision about Asher?" She asks. " Yup." I reply. " Are you really going to break up with him?" "Yup." " When are you going to do it?" She asks. I look back over my shoulder. " Right now." My fist still clenched, I walk over to Asher's locker, getting stares from everyone. Drama in my school spreads like a wildfire. I'm guessing everyone knew what I was about to do, and they wanted to see, so they followed Becca and I. I get to Asher's locker, I take a deep breath and tap his shoulder. " Asher? We have to talk." I say forcefully. " This is not working out anymore. I think it is better off I we just break up." I say. Everyone around us gasps. I'm not sure why because they all knew what I was going to do. " Yeah, I guess so." He says. I nod my head and I walk away as I walk away, everyone stares at me with their mouths hanging open. As I walked away, I felt better than I ever had before. I felt like I was on cloud 9. I can't even explain how happy I felt.
Eventually Becca had to go to her homeroom so we said bye and I met up with Lilly to go to homeroom with her. " Guess what Lilly?" " What?" She says. " I just broke up with Asher!"
" Oh thank god! I never trusted him. He was a player. I'm so happy for you!" She says as she gives me a hug.

I'm in the bathroom yet again, crying. I'm in complete denial. I don't know if I made the right or wrong decision. I don't know if I missed him or I just wanted him out of my life. I guess I missed him not only because he was so attractive to me, and not only because he was super nice to me. Maybe it was because when I walked down the hallway of my school, people knew my name. Before I dated Asher I was just known as the super tall girl that is a nerd. Which isn't that far off. But people actually knew what my name was. When I was with Asher and his friends, I felt like I fit right in. And he fit right in with my friends, too. Well, actually maybe a bit too well. Anyway, I kind of just missed being known around the school. And I'm not saying that I was super-popular or anything of the sort, but I was definitely more popular than I was before. And I think that happened because of Asher. And actually for once, people actually talked about me. The good and the bad. But I guess I just missed the feeling of sort-of being popular.

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