Part 9

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I. Am. SHOOK!! So I walk up the stairs to my next few classes, and then comes lunch. I sit with Marvin and Alex. " Umm, guys. I have to tell you something." Marvin says. " Yeah, what do you need?" We both ask. " I.... like....Beth." My jaw drops. What in the world are we discussing here. " But you know, April, I would go out with you if you were shorter than me." Again, jaw drops. I get a wave of offense and at the same time I'm flattered. But it doesn't do any good to me because I don't like him anymore. We leave the cafeteria and go to our next classes.

So at the end of the day, Marvin comes up to my locker. " Hi April, can I talk to you?" He asked. " Sure, what do you need?" " I know you like me, and you follow me a lot, but I think we should just have our own personal space." EXCUSE ME? YOU THINK THAT I FOLLOW YOU AROUND LIKE SOME SORT OF STALKER? I was in shock. I stared at him for about 30 seconds like he was an idiot, the I said," Ok." Then I walked away.

At lunch, I personally didn't feel like sitting with Marvin and Alex because it would just be to awkward. So I ate my 'lunch' and then decided I wanted to go to the library. So I wrote a pass, and went up the stairs to the library. I sit down at a table by myself to start on my homework, then I look up to see Marvin and Alex walking in. And he thinks I'm a stalker? No.

So the next day at lunch Marvin said that he had to admit something yet again. " I'm going to ask out Beth today after gym." I know, I know I should have been upset after liking him for a few months, saying that he would ask me out, only if I was shorter, and then saying that he was going to ask out my enemy? Wow, that's tough.

I come home, crying. " Mom, I hate school! I sit at a table of all boys, and Jane and Beth are making fun of me 24/7! I hate it so much!" " Ok April, I will get better. Now go upstairs and watch TV in your bed." I walk up the stairs into my room, put on my pajamas, and climb into bed.

A 6th Grade StoryWhere stories live. Discover now