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5 More months of official couples (Nina and Niall) , areshole Harrymini fights, sarcasm, fangirling, and Starbucks jobs.

Pandora Gray

      "So you're telling me, that you want to change, for a girl that you just met because she doesn't like your type of person?" I repeat what he said back to me, and he nods.

Damn, this girl better be a Princess or something.

"Does she shit gold or something? Because you want me to help you change your whole damn  personality for her. Sounds stupid if you ask me." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Babe, what would you know, you've never dated anyone." He chuckles, and I throw a pillow at his face, Harry easily dodges it.

"Yeah? Well I have a life outside of you." I stick out my tongue, "Plus, I'm a girl, I know what girls like."

"Yeah, as if I couldn't tell with the boobs and the period." Harry deadpans and glares at me, "You send me for Nutella every time."

"But you go every time, don't you?" I retort, and he nods in defeat, "Alright, back on track. I'll help you change for this girl, but enlighten me about her."

"When the hell did you start becoming my English teacher? Let me tell you about her, her name is Valerie-"

"Like the song?" I but in, and Harry nods.

"Valerie Hall, she is perfect. She has long black hair, and blue eyes that could rival Louis's. I was at a club, and I saw her talking to some of her friends, she was saying that she was looking for a boyfriend, someone sweet, sophisticated and smar-"

"Harry, you're none of those."

"Pandora, can you please let me finish?" I shrug, and he continues, "So I've been recently been thinking about setting down, y'know? Not partying and coming home drunk every night with some girl on my arm, but maybe have a steady girlfriend. I just think that Valerie could be the steady girlfriend. Anyways, I walked over to Valerie, and we chatted for a bit, and she gave me her number." Harry holds the number in his hand as I play with my hair.

"Well how old is she? For all you know she may be a horny 69 year old with bomb ass plastic surgery." I suggest.

"She's twenty, and a model."

"Is she skinny?"

"She's fit." Harry replies coolly, "So help me."

"With what? I'm confused."

"Fine, the next time I plan to call her, I want to ask her out on a da-" I cut Harry off, again.

"So you want to have a fake date with me to help you practice how you should act with her." I finish, and Harry nods. "Eh, why not. I have nothing else to do today." I slam my book shut, "Um, dates usually have to do with food, go make breakfast." I shoo him off, and he leaves my room to go and make the breakfast for our "first date".

" Babe, breakfast is ready. " Harry calls from the kitchen, and I practically break my neck trying to run to the kitchen, where I can smell bacon, eggs and pancakes cooking. He puts a plate full pancakes and bacon on for himself and sets the table, while he puts the whole works on mine.",Well, sit down! "

"Um, Styles? A gentleman pulls out the chair." He walks over to my side of the table mumbling,

"Damn." He pulls out the chair, and I sit down, while he goes to his, and sits down so that we're across from each other.

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