Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

     It was Jesse. Me being stupid, I declined the call without putting my phone on silent. He called again. He called a total of eight times before I remembered to put my phone on silent. I figured he wanted to apologize, but I didn't care at this point. I was done with him and his stupidity. I drifted off to sleep, and hopefully I wouldn't be interrupted this time.

     I woke up with nothing else from Jesse, but I had a text from Michelle. I unlocked my phone and read it.

     "Call me when you get up." I exited the messages and called her.

     "Hey, what did you want me to call for?" I asked.

     "Have you heard from Jesse lately?" She asked. Oh shit.

     "He called me eight times last night, but I ignored them all." I told her.

     "Oh, okay, well, next time he calls, answer." Michelle commanded.

     "Whatever. You scared me! I thought this was going to be like a movie where the person gets so pissed that their crush won't talk to them that they go missing and kill themselves, but okay." I said. Michelle laughed at my stupidity and we hung up. I knew Michelle had something to do with this, but I wasn't going to start any more drama that what I had. My phone started to ring.

     "Hello." I said with a monotone voice.

     "Hey, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I'm really sorry for being a dick for most of this summer."

     "Whatever." I said and hung up the phone. I was done dealing with Jesse's stupidity.

     "Why didn't you accept Jesse's apology?" Katie texted me.

     "I'm done with him!" I replied back. This was going to be annoying if everybody was going to be texting me about him. I decided to use Leo and Brad to dig up some dirt for me.

     "Hey guys! Can you possibly get Katie, Gabby, and Michelle to hang out with you? I need info dug up out of them about what's going on with Jesse." I texted them.

     "Yeah! Just text us what you need to know!" Leo responded. This was going to be fun! I'll be able to find out what's been going on for most of the summer. I hope we can solve the drama and not start more.

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