Chapter 9- Scheming

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The silver eyepatch gleams on her face. Hindering any light reaching her blinded eye. Her short brown hair was no more. The chocolate locks were cropped close to her head in a deadly fashion. The single green and red square on her breast was enough to detail her position in The Hikari army. Enough to prove worthy. Enough to show people she was not one to mess with.

Aku's heeled boots click along the metal catwalk above the vicious wonders steaming below. Her various scars burn as the leather stretches and scrapes above her white skin with a hue of a tan. She walked with purpose and a need to be free. Her cause was one for the greater good. And knew better than to dream. To dream was to be a fool. To be an idiot following its masters orders.

Dont give hope to where none should be.

A line engraved in her wounded mind. She didn't want to remember. Forget. Forget was what she need and always would. But the dear generals mind was finely tuned to remember even the most intricate details in wallpaper while she murdered a soul. It was a vicious life. But a life with meaning. Unlike everyone else living in this holy land of spirits. 

Aku clicked her way across the metal, the sound singing through the vast chamber of nymph spirits and various alike to their kin. Her eye an oceanic blue, skims among the various busy heads working among themselves and tending to the already evaporated vessels. The souls having been ripped out of the once transparent bodies stills the stone hearted woman on the metal platform, clad in leather. The Spirits souls were needed, they were needed for the Almighty. For she needed the power to cleanse the wretched land of all its sin. Sins her brother allowed the forgotten people to commit. Aku hissed at the mere thought, her wolffish tendencies surfacing in her silk like features.

Don't cry wolf.

Aku pushed her way through the flicking corridors. The vast land around the infamous Bath House housed various types of spirits. Although some preferred to glide along the living in the day and join their own kind in the night, many preferred the life as living as a content citizen in the sacred hectares of this messed up world. Blessed are they.
With a kick of her boot she swings into the room which houses the glorious Taiko. The Almighty glows from her constant position on the left side of the Taiko. Absorbing its power and her more feminine form flicking in and out of existence in an attempt to become whole. Aku, personally, was disgusted. But The Almighty was forever blessed and she was the only thing and being she could answer to. No matter the cost.

The room she stood in was plain.  A grey concrete smothered the walls making any closer phobic scream. A single straight, narrow line of a window edges across the top of the far wall against the ceiling. Allowing a slip of light into the room. Flickering luminescent lights, two of them, a pale yellow tinged with age. A sad sight was this underground bunker. But who was to give a care? It would be them ruling in the ultimate show and they just needed patience.

Akujo, the womanly spirit that was so blessed and cursed at the same time. White eyes and a jagged black appearance made her seem ghoulish but her soul was well. In most cases. Akujo, May her name be forever divine, had followed the once human girl about the bath house for what seemed like months. And was. The girl by the name of Y/N had grown significantly in the time during her stay in their blessed land. Aku wondered constantly at what had brought the youth that was Y/N to venture into the dark tunnel with a smiling guardian in the first place. Curious. But her questions would stay unanswered until Akujo's holy wrath rained beauty upon the deathly happy souls that graced the land.

Akujo stays firmly floating beside the Taiko. An amazing sight and one that should be documented. But alas this was a holy moment and not one that should be ruined with such materialistic ways of thinking. Curse the modern day.

Another glowing light and blinding screech as a second soul is ripped from this earth. A small orb floats through a pipe towards Akujo. She absorbs it delightedly and grins a feral smile.

"Prepare my dear Aku, for the true ruler shall rain supreme!"

Chihiro(hoe) POV
Slumping down into the obviously well furnished couch is settling to say the least. Mama and Papa have decided to desert me at our old house to babysit my dreadful younger cousins. Yuck. My aunt and uncle can't mind them themselves cause... they are too... fat? I don't know.

"Stowy!" Philip whines at my feet tugging at my khaki shorts. Pest. Begging for a fairytale. I almost roll my eyes at the idiocy of toddlers. His older sisters June comes dawdling out with a pacifier in gob. The kid is four and she still hasn't dumped the dumb sucky thingy. Toddlers.

"Yeah! I wanna story! Say it right Phil!" June throws her chubby arms exasperated as she plops down in the sofa beside me. Disgusting. My face wrenches in disgust as I read just myself. "You two have to go to sleep if I tell you one" I point a finger at them both, receiving genuine nods I lick my lips ready to begin my tale.

"In a land far away, there was a prince" I narrow my eyes smirking to myself at the twist of my version of a fairytale.

"In this land, the prince was so beautiful and powerful he could do whatever he wanted." Yubaba of course was a problem on that behalf but these kids didn't have to know every detail. "But he was very sick. Very sick indeed, with a thing called love" at that June's eyes spark. Typical she loves romance.

With a sly snarl to my face I continue the story. "He was so in love with a... peasant girl it became his ruin..."

"This peasant girl was ugly, deceitful and all out awful. But the stupid prince saw something in his peasant love and wanted to wed her. Dumb as it was.
A beautiful young lady with short chestnut hair and incredible fashion sense" Of course it's me! But the siblings hadn't picked up on the obvious resemblance between me and the young lady in my story "the young lady found a ring in the Princes chambers one day when she was searching for her... socks. It was a pretty ring with a rose gold band and delicate diamonds and crystals placed on top in an arranged crown." At the words a feral grin appears in my lips. With my hand behind my back I twirl the engagement ring on my ring finger. Meant for her, belonging to me.

"Because the prince was so love struck he wasn't careful enough to take care of the ring, or his kingdom. Everything was lost, and the prince became very depressed. But when the fine young lady came back to the prince with his engagement ring for the peasant girl on his finger he knew she was the one. He married the lady and the pair of them rebuilt their kingdom. The peasant bi- I mean girl, died of... arrogance. The peasant burned in hell for the rest of her days while the prince and lady lived happily ever after in their kingdom"

Happy snores sound about me as I lean my head back into the sofa.

My kingdom and my ring.

Beat that Y/N.

You heard it here folks.

Haku was gonna Marry you.

And Chihirohoe ruined it.

Actually kinda makes me depressed.


Cookies and Cream,


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