Chapter 26- The End is near

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I had been sitting beside her bed for three days, watching for every breath. Haku had asked me to sleep, and allow him to take over as we awaited for Kiseki to wake up, yet I had always refused. I wasn't about to leave my only daughters side as she fought against this illness. It wasn't happening, ever.

He had been bringing me tea and food, while talking in hushed whispers with Zeniba. Haku had explained everything that had transpired, but it partially fell on deaf ears. It was obvious Zeniba was shook, and rather on edge. But I wasn't paying attention to much else other than Kiseki. No other thing had my attention, I couldn't step away from her sickbed.

"Darling, please come out to the table. We need to talk and you have to rest." Haku came to stand in the doorway, his broad shoulders leaning against the wood. His white shirt was crisp, his raven hair pulled back into a bun. A couple wisps of hair framed his face, making him don a heavenly appearance. His high cheekbones and red lips would make any female fall at his feet, not to mention those eyes which held so many mysteries and secrets.

He sighed, coming to stand beside me and wrap a strong arm around my shoulders. "I'm begging you, Y/N. I don't need the two of you unwell." He dropped to his hunkers, now peering up at me. It was easy to guess what I looked like, I had only moved to go to the bathroom once. My hair was greasy and I stunk of sweat in the hot room. It smelled sick in here too, as if it cling to the walls like a demon waiting for its feed. Her pale face still heralded those horrible black splotches. Gods, I wish I could hold the sickness and not her. Haku squeezes me, a silent beg to get me to follow him. "No Face will watch over her. Nothing good will come of you falling ill too." He said this quietly, he was unnerved and horrified by the state of his daughter too. Our little miracle, taking staggering breaths and clinging to life by a single thread of hope and luck.
"Fine." Nothing would come by me sitting here alone day and night. No Face was trust worthy, there was no doubt of that. Plus, I needed to take care of myself so I was simply able to take care of Kiseki.

I stood, Haku gave me a reassuring smile as No Face slipped into the room without more than a whisper. He gently ran his hand down my arm to clasp my hand, leading me out to the kitchen and to where Zeniba already sat at the table with three steaming cups of tea. "Sit, children." She wasn't her usual chirpy self, and that could only be related to one thing.

"My sister is in peril, I can feel it." Her eyes bored into her teacup, watching it's contents swirl about. I fell into my chair, Haku gracefully sliding into his own beside me. He still held my hand, running his thumb over my palm. "Her magic is slowly draining from this world only I can not figure out why." She sniffed back her tears and looked up at the ceiling. "Haku has already explained what transpired outside. Lin, my sister and your employees are being held captive by those monsters." She brought her gaze back to bore through us both. I felt severely self conscious, pulling my dirty kimono around me tighter. "We can not afford to daydream any longer. You must go. You must find them and save them!" Her voice wavered with emotion, eyes becoming glassy with fresh tears. Her long white hair hung around her shoulders, the female looked older and sick. She hadn't slept since Aku made her appearance. Between caring for Kiseki and trying to concoct a plan, the witch was struggling to find the balance. Realising there was no other way of saving this who were lost, we had to revert to our old plan.
"When should we go, Zeniba?" Haku was all business, his thumb no longer caresses my palm, but instead he grips it as if to ground him. I turned to study his expression, and I was met with stone cold indifference. His eyes reminded me of a cliffs face, worn down by years of crashing by the waves.
"Now. There is no time to delay." Zeniba's gaze flickered between us. "Y/N has managed to conquer the challenges facing her with the powers of her dragon. She has mastered fire and almost all of earths qualities." She sighed, deflating beneath all of the pressure she was suddenly put under. "It's now or never. I fear... some have already left this world and floated into nothingness." She put a shaking hand to her mouth, caging a whimper. It was obvious what had to be done.

And it had to be done fast.

I had to steel my worries and fears behind a brick wall, this was for the greater good. And hopefully, for the last time. "I'll go clean up, then we will get going." I faltered for only a moment, looking at Zeniba. "Make sure she waits for me." I stare down at the witch, gaze unwavering. I felt as though a storm was ripping me inside out with emotions but yet I walked to the bathroom, ran the hot water, and cleaned myself for the battle ahead.

I was so, so tired. I should've been sleeping when I was with Kiseki. Because now, I couldn't keep my eyes open.
Haku and I had already began our trek to the final destination. I was travelling across the marsh while he would take us the final distance. Our only supplies now, was a saddlebag of food and a katana each. The gentle light of dusk would of been a calming factor, yet my heart would not cease pounding.

"Y/N, you know I love you. Right?" Haku ran a loving hand down my neck, his legs tightening at my sides. I gave a gentle purr of reassurance.

"Of course. I never doubted for a moment."

He chuckled slightly. "Even after the whole Chihir-"

"Don't. Say her name."

He nodded hastily, a small smirk rising to his lips. "Understood ma'am." He spoke absently since that, just rambling on to fill the silence, which wasn't like him at all. Usually this man was silent and reserved.

Perhaps like me, his nerves were getting to him.


I hope you are all safe and well during this pandemic, stay safe everyone!!

Black Lives Matter.


cookies and cream,


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