Chapter 14- Let it Burn

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More were vanishing. They kept going and the same pair of eyes was the only thing that the witnesses could tell, or remember.

It was... scary.

It's when I thought of Kiseki's locket. The necklace she had brought to the House was nagging at my mind and glancing down at my own amber pendant, I became curious.

Walking through a busy Aburaya is hard in itself. But sneaking is three times harder with a cherry on top. So it took an amazing amount of stealth and downright skill to work silently by the staff and customers. If Haku knew what I was up to, I may not he capable of controlling his passive anger.

Acting as if I was on the path to heaven, I strut past workers. Nodding to each of them like I always do and keep making my way to the office. Upon entering, the spacious place and seeing the mahogany desk in a wreck. It set me on edge.

Hakus desk was in splinters and papers littered the floor. My heart beat became stiff and suddenly my limbs were made of lead. I look to the corner, spitting white eyes. The spirit that had followed me around twenty five months previous, the same spirit I had very high suspicions of.

The same spirit that basically sold me to the Shadows as a little fighting treat, the damned thing. She stands- well, floats in air. Her presence is familiar and I feel drawn to her. Which isn't the best thing to come of this situation.

"Why are you back here?" I say loudly, if anyone was to hear me it would be my own safety on the line if something was to go awry. "Back, for you" her voice had become more... solid. It wasn't reminding me of creaking floorboards or nails scraping a chalkboard. No, her voice was, real.

"I'd rather you leave. You've done me no favours and I won't be giving anything to you" I say quite proudly and fold my arms standing quite defensive. This thing wasn't going to touch me without getting an arm or leg ripped from its ghostly socket.

"I need your spirit darling" she says with a smile on her tone. Although her expression never changes her voice was enough to indicate amusement. She points a wrickety black and transparent finger my way and all I can do is stop myself from shivering under the attention. "Your not getting anything, leave immediately. Or I'll remove you myself" the spirit does another wicked smile.

"If you wanted to play hard to get Y/N that's perfectly fine. Let's play, and let's play hard"


Later that night Haku and Kiseki wandered up the stairs. I listened to him whisper goodnight to her and shuffle back into the office, where I was shifted into my dragon and focused on the fire. He lay down beside me resting his head against my fur and he yawns. "I've never been so tired" he whispers unable to keep his eyes open. I make a purring sound and move my head to look at him side-on. The fire blazes in front of me and the temptation of putting my paw into the flames is all to real. And slightly disturbing.

"How was your day?" Haku questions and rubs my flank. He makes slow comforting circles and I rumble a sound of delight.

"It was... Interesting" the telepathic communication picks up and I focus on Haku. "What happened?" Hakus slow comforts became slower as his attention became one tracked on me. "The spirit... the thing that followed me around it came back." Haku grips my fur and I swallow a yelp. "What did she want?" He questions leaning forward with his lips tightly pressed.

"My spirit"

"Your not serious"

"I've never been so serious in all my life"

"What now? What if it comes back with a vengeance for being disregarded?!"

"I can fend for my self" I look at him straight on and my breath hitches a few times.

"I know, but can you... use it" he looks at the fire and back at me, this makes me swallow my nerves in angst and look away from him. He reads the expression in my face and stands. "Let's go outside, you need to learn magic" his white robe falls behind him as he glides through oak doors. With a huff of exasperation I bring my 8ft being to a stand. I place each small paw before the other and lower my head to get out through the door, and follow my beloved.

Out in a moonlit garden the silver rays of light splinter the dark. Fireflies, four around the greenery creating a beautiful scene of tranquillity. Haku sits down in the lotus position and I take a step back to shift. "No don't turn back Y/N, you have to be a dragon to do this at first" Haku looks ate sincerely, I simply not a lie down in front of him, watching his shoulders moving up and down. Up and down. Up and down.

"Think of a hearth" Haku has closed his eyes and is sitting with his hands folded between his crossed legs. I furrow my brows for a moment before closing my own eyes, pointing my muzzle to the ground as I picture a blazing hearth. "The heat that radiates from that fire, also burns in you. You feel it licking at your chest" Suddenly, I felt as if I had got heartburn. "The hunger of its embers wanting to be unleashed" my throat started to itch. "And once it has enough fuel, it burns". My eyes widen and I swivel around and away from Haku, a blast of red and orange fire explodes form my mouth and onto a bush in front of me. He opens his eyes to the blazing bush and quickly doused the fire with his own abilities. "Well, it will take practice. But we should get the hang of it"

"Let it burn"

Are you guys sick of this yet!? I'm still not sure if I should of just left it at the first book but I didn't want to give you a cliffhanger. So i am confusion.

Cookies and cream,


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