«8» Running late

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The sun was rising over the city where people who were labeled as 'normal' got up and went to work like every other day. The stores were putting out there open signs for the day as people walked the streets. As for Jimin he never got to feel that sense of being normal as for today will be his first day at the new clinic he was going to. Of course he had to get up early because his aunt was going to show up at 7 but he was busy sleeping on the couch with his leg hanging off the edge.

What woke him up was his hand ringing to the side hitting the coffee table, knocking some stuff off the table in the process. He groaned in annoyance as he brought his hand to his chest rubbing the area that hit the coffee table.

« Ow! fuck. » He grunted squinting his eyes as the bright light coming threw the big window blinded him.

« Dammit. »  He swung his legs to hand off the couch while holding his arm up to shield his eyes from the bright rays of the sun.

He pushed himself up, stretching up with a low growl cracking his back as he did so. Today was the day that he would be starting a new life in a new clinic with new people and he's not excited about it. He stumbles over to the big window that looked over the city pulling down the shutters before drawing the black curtains closed blocking all the light from coming in.

He walked back to the couch throwing himself on it while sighing thinking he could go back to sleep. He started to drift off until he heard a knock on his door which made him almost cry in frustration.

« Why can't people just leave me alone!  » He screamed making sure the person on the other side could hear him, waiting two seconds before opening the door to reveal his aunt.

« Oh, it's you. » He said unnamed stepping to the side to allow her into his apartment, closing the door behind her before walking away in the bathroom, keeping the door open to hear his aunt speak.

« Yeah it's me, I though you'd be ready but I can see you aren't. » She held her bag with both hands walking closer to the living room pushing trash out of her way getting startled by the cigarette smell that circulated threw the whole apartment.

« I packed, my bag is right there. » He said taking his toothbrush out of his mouth pointing at the black bag by the front door, returning the toothbrush back into his mouth.             

« I mean why aren't you dressed, I told you I would be here by 7 and yet you are wearing that. » She moved her finger up and down at Jimin who was just in black boxers making him rolling his eyes and going back into the bathroom.

« Calm down I'm doing it. »  He walks back into the room while trying to get a clean white t-shirt over his head struggling a little but eventually getting it on himself, grunting running his hands threw his hair once it got over his upper half going down to covers his cute little butt.

« Pants darling. » She pointed down to his boxers which annoyed him as he walked passed her down to his room creating a breeze pushing the cigarette smoke back into her face causing her to cough.

« I'm going, I'm going. » He walked back in slipping on some black skinny jeans that were loose on his legs that were too skinny for the jeans to fit snug on him.

« Oh my hurry up we have 20 minuted to get you there before weigh in. » She looked down at her watch hearing Jimin pass by her again to throw on his tan timberlands and meeting his aunt by the door.

« Done. » He sighs looking up to see a bright smile plastered on his aunts face which really made him sick to his stomach.

« We have to go fast because weigh in and vitals end at 8:15. » Jimin scoffs at the words 'weigh in' because the last time he did that obviously didn't go supper well.

Jimin grabs his bag clicking the small button to bring the handle up so he could roll the suitcase. He followed his aunt out of the door closing and locking it behind him handing the keys to his aunt since he wouldn't need then for a while. The suitcase had four wheels so that he could roll it without tilting. He didn't know how long he will be staying at this new clinic but knew it was probably going to be a long time.    


30 minute rule || YoonminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora