«146» New journey

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Jimin went into his therapy session while Yoongi went down to the little cafe in the lobby to eat a muffin and drink coffee. He also brought his lap top to do some work, he also had to text Ha-na and say why he ended the call like that and she understood and she wasn't mad. She got it completely and she stated how excited she was to show them the house.

He really was excited to see this house and he really hoped Jimn liked it because it was a good distance from his work and it was close to Ha-na and her wife which he really liked because having friends around made him feel better. He did some paperwork and filled out some patient reports before going back up to the waiting room to wait for his fiancé. He was always afraid that Jimin would get done before he came back up and didn't want to worry him so he tried to eat his muffin quickly before doing some more work in the waiting room.

His leg was bouncing and when Jimin was done and came out of the back room he noticed how stressed Yoongi seemed. So he knew it was his job to again make him feel better about everything since this was going to be a huge change for the both of them.

« Ready babe? » Yoongi snapped his head up hearing Jimin's voice and he nodded putting his laptop away in his bag before standing up quickly trying to not show what he was feeling to Jimin again trying not to put his stress on him even more.

« Let's go. » Yoongi smiled and reached his hand out for Jimin to take which he did and they left the building getting into Yoongi's care and driving off to the house to see it for the first time in person making this moment a memorable one.

Ha-na made it to the house first and when the couple walked up holding hands she gave them both a hug. Jimin didn't really want to hug. He didn't like being all close with other people but he could tell Ha-na was excited so he just took it holding Yoongi's hand right after keeping him close.

« You guys I'm so excited! » She squealed and jumped up and down before she turned around to show them the outside of the house which was really nice already. The outside was almost a white stone, it had a real modern look to it and there was no dead grass out front completely green and beautifully mowed over.

« We are too, right baby? » Yoongi looked down at Jimin who nodded in response to what he said. Ha-na cooed at them and touched over her heart.

« Just look at this front yard? You can have a garden! I mean if you guys have time for gardens, I would love a garden but me and Su-ji never seem to have the time. » She was talking kind of fast but walked them over to a small area which had a small patch for plants and flowers, there was even a really nice self refreshing bird bath which just matched the house perfectly.

« It also has a fenced off backyard which we can get too later, but trust me I heard you guys want a dog and it's perfect. » They then headed inside the house, right when you walked in there was a living room space. There was furniture in the house just to show what the house could look like which painted an even better picture for the couple. It was a bigger living room area which made them both smile because it was already so perfect.

(I will SUCK at explaining how this will look so here's the floor plan)

(I will SUCK at explaining how this will look so here's the floor plan)

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« So over here is the master bedroom which has a walk in closet. » She winked at them and they walked into the room, it was bigger than their room now which was amazing to Jimin, there was also a huge bathroom which means there was lots of room for them to get ready and even have a bit of fun.

« There is a lot of space for a big bed. » She winked at them again which caused Jimin to blush and look up at Yoongi who just smiled down at him and leaned over to capture Jimin's lips on his. They knew what she meant by having a big bed which almost embarrassed Jimin.

« There is also a perfect spot for a small dining room table, so when me and Su-ji come over we can have dinner and play games. » She gestured to the table in front of her and what she said made the couple giggle but of course if they got this house they would be inviting the married couple over every weekend or whenever they could.

Ha-na showed them the rest of the house even hinting at the fact that the guest room could be turned into a nursery but she didn't say anything much about it but suggested it. After she showed them the whole house, even the backyard, she decided to step out just so the couple could walk around more and really put this in perspective for them.

« I really love this house. » Yoongi finally let go of Jimin's hand to walk over to look at the living room again just to see what their future might hold.

« Yeah and I can already see the future. » Jimin smiled going over to Yoongi, he grabbed his waist and pulled him back a little bit so he could see the whole living room.

« Look can't you just see us bring home a dog? Through this door we can bring home a baby maybe one day and start a family. » Yoongi smiled when Jimin pointed over to the front door, he then turned his fiancé's body to face the couch.

« And here we will be cuddled up with our dog and our baby watching some cartoons and just eating snacks while laughing. » Yoongi wanted to tear up because he could see this and he wanted it but he was moved again to face over by the dining room table.

« And maybe we'll teach our baby how to walk right here and maybe that's where our baby and dog bond and become best friends. » You could tell in Jimin's voice that he was crying or at least tearing up by just thinking about this and the moments they would be having in this house if they get it. Yoongi grabs Jimin's hands and faces him, making both of them tear up even more.

« You're making me cry, stop it. » Jimin giggled through his tears and brought the older's hands up to his lips and gently kissed his knuckles.

« Our future can lie in this house if we get it. » They couldn't stop looking in each other's glazed over eyes thinking about the possibilities of their new life.

« Then we have to get it don't we? » Jimin nodded his head quickly, they kissed each other's lips for a couple seconds before they decided to leave where they would meet with the realtor and put in an offer and they would be getting a call if they got the place or not.

They all hoped and wished that they got the house, Ha-na definitely wanted them to get it but they all left that day feeling pretty good about it. It was going to be their dream house, their starter house for their beautiful family that they would be raising and the couple was so excited to begin their new journey.

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