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The couple slept in different rooms, Yoongi didn't want to go sleep with Jimin when he stated he wanted to be alone and he didn't want to anger him anymore. He woke up alone for the first time in a long time, it reminded him of the time Jimin was still in the hospital and he would get ready fast just to see Jimin but he was just in the other room.

He got ready to go to work like a normal work day, it was so early in the morning he could barely think straight but he knew he wanted to see Jimin before he left even if it was just for a quick kiss.

He opened the door to his old roommate's room and saw Jimin, he was covered in blankets and it hurt his heart so much because he knew he cried himself to sleep and he didn't want Jimin to hurt like this anymore. He walked over and pulled the blanket down just a little to see his face, his cheeks were red and there were dry tears on his face. He took a deep breath leaning down to kiss his forehead brushing the hair out of the younger's face.

« I love you. » His whispered before he stood up to leave Jimin, he didn't want to leave Jimin like he was so he wrote a note and set it on the night stand of the bed.

The note: 'Goodmorning baby, just want to remind you that I'm proud of you no matter what. You will always be my cute boyfriend who I love with all my heart and I wish you saw yourself the way I do. Yesterday was hard I know and if you still want to be alone when I get back I will let you be alone I won't push you into your meal plan. If you don't want to recover then there isn't anything I can really do, I just feel like this is all my fault if it wasn't for me you might still be in the hospital and you might actually get better because when you left you were doing really well. I'm sorry I'll see you later.'

Jimin saw the note when he woke up, he read it and cried a little. Yoongi thought his eating disorder was his fault when it wasn't. Also it looked like Yoongi had given up, saying if he didn't want to continue with the recovery then there wasn't anything he could do about it, that really hurt Jimin and got him thinking more about how he is hurting Yoongi. He set the note down where he found it and sat up. He thought back to him and Yoongi's conversation the night before and how he said that there were going to be hard days and there would be some good days, he really thought back to that and maybe he was right. Maybe yesterday was one of those bad days, maybe today would be a better day but he was still scared to try.

It took him a while to get up, he didn't know if he wanted to go back on his meal plan but right now he was going through a lot. He kept thinking back to the note thinking if that was Yoongi saying he was giving up and he would stop helping and let Jimin do this on his own and that scared him so much because last night he wanted to be alone and thought that would be the best thing but thinking about going through recovery without Yoongi made his panic a little.

He stayed in his bed most of the morning, he was sitting on the bed with his knees to his chest, he thought being alone would be better for his mental health but now he had to go up to Yoongi and apologize telling him how wrong he was and that he needs help. He stayed in bed in the same position until Yoongi came back home, he was so scared to leave his room because he couldn't control that voice in his head telling him to not eat and then telling him to eat everything, he felt powerless.

When he heard the front door open he knew who it was, he was waiting to hear his name being called but he didn't hear anything. Yoongi was really giving him his alone time but he didn't want that anymore. Jimin started to cry once again he heard Yoongi set all of his stuff down, he heard the door to their bedroom close. He wanted to get up and run to him but he was so scared.

Yoongi got dressed into something a little more comfortable, he put on some sweats and a sweatshirt walking out, he was about to go get some water but as soon as he passed the guest room, the door opened. He turned around and he didn't even get to see Jimin before he threw himself on the older.

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