«139» Can I?

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« Babe we don't have to rush this, I told you before that I make enough money to support us now without a problem. You don't have to place that much pressure on yourself. » They were both eating lunch when the conversation of money came up.

« I know that you do but I don't want to be a baby my whole life, I want to be able to make my own money while doing the thing I love and you said you were going to help me with this. » He was talking about working, he wanted to start selling his artwork so he could put his name out there and Yoongi did say he was going to help him with this task.

« I know baby I'm just afraid when you start making money you'll put a lot of pressure on yourself and you might get stressed, you might even overwork yourself. » He was worried about Jimin's mental health, he was still a bit fragile and he just wanted to protect him but he knew eventually he would need to let him be free and let him do his own thing.

« Well we won't know if you won't let me do this. » Jimin pouted take a small bit of his sandwich.

« Woah no okay let me just say this now, I can't force you to do anything so don't make this seem like I'm not letting you do anything. Sure you are my fiancé but you are your own person so if you really want to do this then i can't stop you all I can do is state my opinion. » Yoongi stopped eating because that was his fear, he didn't want Jimin to think he needed to ask permission to do anything and let him know that if this was what he wanted to do then what was he going to do? Yell and tell him not to? He wasn't like that.

« I'm sorry. »

« Don't apologise baby, how about first you start building up your art catalogue. It will be easier for you if you start with a stack of art to sell. Let's also start with etsy so we can get your name out there then when your art becomes popular then we can build your own website. » Yes he was really worried for Jimin to start this part of his life but that was what they were going to have to do. They were going to get married so things were eventually going to change for them and he was actually happy that Jimin wanted to work and earn money for them because he didn't have to.

« But if you don't want me to do it then I won't. » Yoongi sighed, taking a sip of his water.

« It's not like I don't want you to do this, It's just I'm afraid the stress will get to you because I know for me when I'm stressed my bad mental state kind of comes back up and I start to think bad things. I don't want you to go through this but if you really want to start up your little art shop then what am I to stop you? » Jimin wasn't looking up to him, he just didn't know what he wanted to do himself. It would be easier if Yoongi wouldn't allow him to do this because all this talking got him nervous now he was afraid to do this because of what Yoongi was saying because he didn't want those intrusive thoughts back.

« Hey, you look upset. I'm sorry if I said something wrong or I stressed you out but just know if you do feel stress from this little job then take a break. At any time you can step back for a little to take a break. I don't want you to think that as soon as your art gets popular you have to keep going until you burn out. Everyone will come back to your art when you come back from your breaks. » That did help Jimin a little, to know that he can step back at any time made him feel at ease because he knew no matter what Yoongi would be there to hold him when things got bad for his mental health.

« Can you hear me baby? » Jimin was staring down at his half empty plate, Yoongi rubbed gently on his back trying to ease him back to reality so that he could say what he was feeling and thinking. Jimin nodded looking over to Yoongi who gently rubbed his thumb against the younger's cheek soothing him a little.

« God I love you. » Jimin still wasn't saying anything but he did close his eyes when he felt a kiss on his forehead completely melting into the older.

« I love you too. » Jimin's voice shook a little like he was about to cry because Yoongi was there and wasn't going anywhere. He was so afraid that Yoongi would leave but every day Yoongi would remind him why he loved him and why he was with him.

« Let's go get in the bath, you still have paint on your hands and I can almost see you tensing up. » He held the younger's small hands seeing paint on them, resting his forehead against Jimin's.

« Alright come on. » As soon as Jimin nodded he got up helping Jimin off of the barstool holding his hand the whole way to the bathroom. He grabbed clothes and a towel for both of them, he then helped Jimin get out of his clothes before they spent some of the afternoon in the bath.

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