«38» Just stay

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Silence took over the room, Yoongi was still sitting on Jimin's bed worried about the other while Jimin was trying not to look up. He was afraid that if they did make eye contact then something bad would happen but it was like he wanted something bad could happen. 

« Why are you so quiet? Am I that scary? » Yoongi teased trying to get the younger's attention but it didn't work seeing how he kept his gaze down. He was fighting for the younger's attention, he craved his attention like it was a drug.

« Jimin-ah I need attention. » He whined grabbing Jimin's arm, trying to get him to loosen  up around him seeing that he didn't know the reason why Jimin was being so quiet was because he had feelings for the older. He just thought that he was being shy which was unlike what he was like in the bathroom. 

« S-shut up hyung. » Jimin pushing his hand away smiling just a little from the constant pressing him. He was feeling shy which was something he never felt before 

« oooo hyung? we're on that level now. » Yoongi teased poking Jimin's arm with his finger. 

Jimin was so confused in this moment, he hated people touching him but for Min-Ju he didn't care but for Yoongi he really didn't care. This feeling towards Yoongi was different from Min-Ju he wanted the touch of the older, it was like a drug and he didn't want it to end. He felt his heart beat really fast making him feel alive.

« Shut up. » Jimin shook his head feeling the faint blush spread across his cheeks. This made him look down even more so he could try and hide it from Yoongi yet he could see right threw him.

« Well, I think you're good now and it's getting late. » He looked down at his nice silver watch before he began to stand up yet he was stopped by a weak hand grabbing his arm. Jimin gripped as hard as he could which wasn't hard at all.

« P-Please don't go, I'm tired of being alone. » He looked down at his hand gripping onto Yoongi's arm and he quickly pulled it away once he saw that he was touching the older. 

« Jimin, the day is over you should be getting to bed and I should be going home. » Yoongi reached his hand up to gently brushing over the spot where Jimin touched. He could still feel the touch on his arm the soft lingering touch.

« P-please. » Jimin was willing to bring tears to his eyes and he didn't even know why he wanted him to stay. There was something in side of him begging him to stay yet the other side wanted him to go and stay away forever.

« How about I come in the morning? I'll bring the meds and everything so you don't have to see the nurse or Dr. Su. » Yoongi offered looking down at Jimin who had tears welling up in his eyes which surprised him. He didn't know why the younger was like this, why he was so sad to see him go.

« O-Okay please come back as soon as you can. » He whispered lifting his hand up to wipe the tear that escaped his eye yet when he lifted it up he flinched from the slight pain. 

He hissed which caught Yoongi's attention making him run over when he heard the younger hiss. Yoongi quickly wiped the tear from Jimin's eye first but then looked down to see his arm which was the hand that had the IV in it. Yoongi grabbed his hand seeing that the skin around where the Iv went in was all bruised, he thin pale skin bruised with dark and light bruising.

« I-I'm fine. » Jimin held his hand out signaling for Yoongi to stop, he didn't want this to go too far than it already has.

« I'm sorry I'll leave now, goodnight. » Yoongi awkwardly stood straight up walking over to the room door while Jimin just looked down at the bed sheets confused on why his heart started to beat really fast, he thought he could be dying but that's what he wanted wasn't it? Maybe Yoongi gave him another reason to live, another reason to get healthy.

« S-see you in the morning Yoongi. » Jimin smiled to himself when he said the name aloud, he loved how it just rolled off his tongue nicely. Yoongi didn't catch the smile because when he got to the door and turned around Jimin's smile faded.

Yoongi smiled before opening the door and bringing his hand over to the light switch glancing over to Jimin to make sure it was okay to turn it off. Jimin nodded his head letting his blonde hair bounce as he did so making Yoongi smile even more. He turned the lights off stepping out of the room and holding the door as it closed so it could close silently. It was lights out, he could get in trouble for keeping a patient up so long but he really didn't care because it was Jimin. Jimin was different.

« I think I like him, dammit Yoongi get it together he's a patient. » He mumbled to himself as he walked down the dark hallway towards the cafeteria. 

His thoughts were still scattered around in his mind, from every single touch that the two made and even the light blushes that brushed along Jimin's cheeks. This cute blonde headed patient was making Yoongi feel some feelings he didn't like, feelings that made his heart pound and what he didn't know was that Jimin was feeling the same way.

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