«14» Lunch buddy

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This first day seemed to be going by so slow for Jimin, the amount on the schedule was making it worse. He had to go threw so much therapy, more then he has gone threw in the last two months. There was an art class he likes but in general the whole day was shit, with all the people that had to talk to him.

They got a couple minutes to themselves before lunch time, you could just go back to your room or go back to finish your drawing or even hang out with your friends in the cafeteria. Yet no matter where you went there were staff members to watch you, the only way Jimin could avoid the staff members were to just go into his room and wait for Lunch. There wasn't much to his room but the simplicity of it was calming making him feel more at home then home itself.

Of course he had no cigarettes so the hunger pains were coming to him strong, his stomach screaming for some kind of food. Obviously he wasn't listening to his stomach and he chose to ignore it by flinging his body onto his bed with a huff. He didn't have much time so he just stared up at the plain white ceiling until he heard a knock on the door.

He sighed when the person knocked once again meaning he actually had to get up and go to lunch. He pushed his body up struggling to get his body to the door and when he opened it he was met with that man he met in the morning. Jimin couldn't remember his name like a lot of other people but he rolled his eyes leaving his door open as he walked back to his bed, plopping down with a huff.

« Mr. Park how is your day so far? » Jimin just groaned as Dr. Lee walked in closing the door behind him before walking over to his bed, this was a normal scenario for new comers. He just had to make sure that they are comfortable.

« Uh actually not that bad but pretty horrible. » Jimin said in a annoyed tone feeling the bed dip where Dr. Lee sat down.

« Is there anyway to make this experience better? » Jimin felt how fake this was, it was obvious these lines were said to every single patient that walked threw those damn doors. He didn't know what he was suppose to feel in this situation but he knew this was fake.

« Just stop, leave me alone? uh stop talking to me, those are just a few ways to make my time here better. » Jimin said in a serious tone with a fake ass smile plastered to his face, watching Dr. Lee knit his eye brows together not really liking his attitude. I mean who would like that kind of attitude when all you're trying to do is help.

« Well alright I guess I can do that, anyway lunch is soon you might want to head down there to be at the front of the line. » Jimin is shocked again by his reaction, he really took Jimin serious which almost made his giggle. Dr Lee just didn't want to make this worse so he knew just leaving would make it a lot better.

« Oh don't worry I'll probably be last. » Jimin nodded his head seeing the Dr. blink slowly nodding his head once before walking back to the door.

« Just show up at least. » He said opening the door looking back with worried eyes before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Jimin just rolled his eyes running his hand threw his hair looking at the door in front of him. He didn't want to go but if he didn't put something in his stomach then he knew he was going to explode. That was his main motivation to get up, he stood up bending down resting his hands on his knees in order to catch his breath. He shook his head slowly standing up fully walking towards the door to go to lunch.

Once he made it down there he was met with the smell of different things that made his stomach growl. He hated this feeling this way, but he needed to at least try and he knew that, he knew that trying was going to get him better. He looked around the cafeteria to see people talking, laughing, and even eating the food that they got like it was no big deal. Jimin just felt shivers down his spine as he stepped in the line, wrapping his arms around his waist hoping this could just go by fast.

Yet when he felt a tap on his shoulder he knew this was going to be the worst day of his life. He tried to ignore it at first yet of course he felt another tap on his shoulder making him turn around in anger.

« Oh it's you, the girl that I don't really care about but wanted to annoy me at this time of day. » Jimin had a tired tone of voice, he didn't remember her name but she was the girl who sat next to him during goal setting. He really didn't have the time for this even if he was standing in a long line with all the time.

« U-Uh I'm sorry I'm Min-Ju. » She bowed her head a little feeling really bad for disturbing Jimin who seemed like the type of person to really not care. 

« Listen I'm here to get better not make friends. » His voice was really mean almost intimidating as he crossed his arms and sighed shaking him head looking away from the girl just trying to be nice. 

« I'm sorry I'm just friendly. » she nervously laughed running her hand threw her hair as the line scooted up a little.

« Well stop. » She rolled her eyes without him seeing waiting for the line to go by fast.

'Damn all these people wanting to be my friend and shit, ew.'

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