«24» This is real

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Vitals were over so everyone went back to their room if they had time before breakfast. Of course Jimin didn't get time to go back to his room so he stayed in his sweatpants and loose shirt not like he was planning on changing anyway. He meant Mi-Ju at the table they usually sat at, this time he didn't have a panic attack which he was grateful for since It was kinda embarrassing. Jimin wasn't the type to get embarrassed easily yet having an attack in front of tons of people he didn't know was not the best especially in the first hour of being there.

Jimin took a seat in the spot where he usually sat during eating times and waited a little bit for Min-Ju to show up. She had time before breakfast and she would have stayed with Jimin but when she got done she noticed he wasn't there so she went back to her room to get dressed since she didn't before vital checks.

Once she entered the room she was seen to be wearing just some plain black leggings, a nice light grey sweater along with her black ankle boots. She still had her hair pulled back into a pony tail but she looked a lot more put together than Jimin did since he wasn't planning on getting dressed into normal clothes.

He watched her walk up with her tray setting it down across from him smiling with a genuine smile, or as real of a smile as she could produce.

« Hey sleeping beauty. » She winked as she adjusted herself on the seat picking up her spoon so she could eat her oatmeal and blueberries she got.

« Shut up, I'm not used to waking up at 6 am. Usually I would be up by noon. » He sighed slamming his hands on the table dramatically tilting his head down yet looking up with her with his eyes.

« I can tell sweet thing. » She nodded her head with a giggle as she placed the blueberry gently in her mouth, she was teasing him even tho he was still trying to get the hang of this whole friend thing.

« Well, how is Mr. Sexy? » He smirked looking down at his bowl of fruit pushing some of the strawberries around like he was going to eat them but honestly he wasn't going to be consuming anything.

« Don't call him that! Also I don't know how he is I only got to see him this morning. » She began to blush at the thought of Yoongi this morning, how he was looking super hot.

Today he he even pushed his hair up off of his forehead which just completed his look. He usually had his hair styled on his forehead yet today he was feeling a little different this particular morning.

« Speaking of Mr. Sexy where is he? » He set down with fork to look around the cafeteria hoping he could see the mint haired beautiful male he found super attractive yet as he was looking he couldn't find him.

« I-I uh. » Min-Ju definitely knew where Yoongi went off to but to tell Jimin would just get him to tease her more so she stuff her mouth with a small amount of oatmeal to avoid having to answer his questions. She also didn't say anything about him calling Yoongi Mr. Sexy.

« Do you know where he is? » He smiled crossing his arms and watching her get flustered under his stare which wasn't going to leave anytime soon. He was having fun with teasing someone, he hasn't got to tease anyone before he found it super fun.

« N-No well there he is. » She was saved when Yoongi walked out of the staff room walking into the cafeteria where he was suppose to be.

« You knew he was there. » He continued to tease her even more as he turned a little so that he could see Yoongi walking over to his station.

He was not ready to see him because as he watch Yoongi walked he couldn't take his eyes off of his ass, I'm Jimin's defense Yoongi did have a nice butt. He began to bite on his thumbnail as he turned back to face Min-Ju since he was able to see Yoongi walking better. He was blushing but Min-Ju was busy looking down into her bowl of oatmeal so she wouldn't get teased anymore. Yet what she didn't see was Jimin's blushing cheeks, how he was looking the mint haired male up and down before changing his gaze back to Min-Ju.

« Maybe you should talk to him. » He pouted and mixed his fruit again as he spoke. He didn't want her to talk to him since he was having a little crush on his own. He didn't know why he told her to go talk to the man she found attractive but honestly he has never had a crush before so he didn't know what he was doing.

« No, h-he's probably too old for me I'm only 18. » She nervously laughed but this made Jimin smile and run his hand threw his hair feeling a moment of excitement.

« Yeah I'm guessing 32, a wife with three kids. » He joked looking up to see her glaring at him, he just wanted to joke as well as to turn her away from his crush.

« No he's not the type for kids, 5 cats at the very least. » She added on, this made Jimin laugh but as he looked up to Yoongi they made eye contact which was what Jimin didn't expect.

This wasn't any eye contact Jimin could have sworn that Yoongi looked him up and down but that could have been his mind messing with him. That didn't stop Jimin himself from sending a wink over to the older male along with a subtly lip bite which totally made Yoongi's heart skip a full beat.

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