«74» She's back

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Yoongi had now promised Jimin that he was going to help, he wasn't lying or making a joke out of it he was serious on helping him. He was really proud of his boyfriend, he knew he was trying really hard to get out of the clinic and help Yoongi out at home and just that was enough for Yoongi even though he didn't want to rush Jimin into the real world right away.

When he looks back on the past weeks in working at the clinic he has noticed that he hasn't really seen Dr. Su. It was either she was done and tired of trying to ask Yoongi out or she quit, got fire, or transferred to another clinic either way he didn't complain because she was out of his and Jimin's way.

He went about his day doing his everyday tasks, he hasn't been signed in to do group therapies, he hasn't for a long time and Dr. Su wasn't here so he had no idea who was running it. He didn't really mind though since he had a small break during this time where all the patients are gone doing things and the whole clinic seems silent. He had at least an hour so he got a glass of ice water and some ice coffee he snagged from the kitchen and decided to be productive and get some of his work done. He brought his computer in his work bag knowing that it would be a good idea to do some work and he thanked his tired morning brain for that.

Hours had passed even though for Yoongi it felt more like 20 minutes. He didn't seem to get anything done with his work because in those couple hours he managed to only get a done with one assignment. He just felt suck and for a good reason since he had a lot on his mind, a lot to do and a lot to look forward to.

He had to pack up his stuff since next was lunch, another day of watching Jimin eat with that stupid doctor. He was still jealous of that situation even though he knows what's going on, he knows it's just to make Jimin better but he would much rather be the person monitoring him. He would always secretly glare at the dr. as he talked to Jimin, as he distracted the younger from thinking about food however he knew he could do it better. He would make Jimin feel better about the act he was doing but all he could do was watch.

He wasn't in a rush to get back into the cafeteria because he knew what he would have to watch so he stood at his locker for a long while as he just sighed over and over thinking about how to talk to Dr. Lee without making it seem like they were dating or they had a secret. Non-doctors usually aren't the ones to suggest out of hospital care so if he did he was afraid that they could get found out but he was willing to try, not only for Jimin but himself to. He needed to improve his out of work self and the only way to do that was to get Jimin out.

Within a couple minutes Yoongi left the staff room to go to where he was suppose to be, standing and looking out over the patients. He hated doing it but it was apart of his job so he didn't mind, he got to look at Jimin so that was a plus but that was the only good thing about watching during eating times.

« Miss me Min? » Yoongi had to hold back from rolling his eyes, it actually hurt to not roll his eyes with a groan because he knew exactly who that voice belonged to and if he had to hear it one more time the he was going to freak out.

« What do you want Su? » He tried not to scoff, he really did because he would much rather be doing something else or talking to anyone else but it had to be her. Where did she even go? Why did she come back? She could of just left forever but no she had to be here, now of all times.

« I just wanted to catch up to my favorite man. » She smiled but Yoongi didn't care to glance over at her. He just shoved his hands in his pocket and leaned against the wall, mostly looking over at Jimin, making sure nothing fishy was going on with them.

« Why are you here? » She rolled her eyes, he still wasn't looking at her but there wasn't much she could do about that.

« What do you mean Min? I work here for fucks sake. » This was the one thing that made Yoongi look over to her. She cussed out loud, if you were working at the clinic that was the one thing that you can get in trouble for because it was not professional but he knew she probably couldn't get in trouble for it since it's hard to get fired while you're sleeping with the boss.

« Well after you haven't shown up in like what? a month then it's only safe to assume you don't work here anymore. Thought you got fired or something. » She smirked but Yoongi wasn't looking, he didn't want to give her any attention since he was suppose to be doing his job and not talk to any of the other workers in the facility.

« Fired? Me? it's really hard to fire me when I have a what you would call strong connection to Dr. Lee. » She bit her lip but again Yoongi didn't care to look at her since she was kind of getting on his nerves.

« You mean flashing him with your fake tits hoping that they look decent enough for him to give you a month vacation? » Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, she couldn't believe what he had just said.

« You're being kind of mean today, have you had your coffee? » She scoffed crossing her arms and looking out across the cafeteria in the direction Yoongi was to see what he was looking at.

« Or is it your little friend over there getting all close and comfy with that new hot piece of meat. » Yoongi rolled his eyes, of course someone like Dr. Su would find the new doctor hot I mean he was young and she was a gross middle aged women who slept with the boss.

« No. now get you and your fake tits out of here. » She scoffed as if he was telling a lie which he wasn't but he finally got rid of her however it was too late because lunch was now over and every patient was getting ready to go off to their next thing.

He shook in disgust before he walked away towards Dr. Lee's office where he can talk to him about Jimin.

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