«115» Saturday morning

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They both fell asleep on the floor but Yoongi woke up shortly after realizing he still needed to blow out the candles and clean up. He got up leaving Jimin to lay in the mess of blankets and pillows as he went to blow out all the candles and place both their plates in the sink for him to deal with tomorrow. He picked up Jimin and gently walked him over to their room and tucked him in trying so hard not to wake him up. He kissed him on the forehead before laying down right next to him, hugging him close in his arms falling asleep right after giving him a big kiss on his forehead.

The next few days at work for him were actually wonderful, he heard the doctor he hates Dr. Su went on a little vacation so he didn't have to worry about her annoying him in any way because right now he couldn't deal with the shit she always says to him. He also got to know Ha-na a little bit more which meant they got closer as friends and that made him really happy since not a lot of people talked to him before Jimin.

Saturday came faster than anyone knew, Jimin started to get nervous and he woke up really early because he couldn't stop thinking about everything that could go wrong during their dinner. He woke up before Yoongi which was rare since Yoongi always woke up pretty early even on the weekends since his body is used to the early mornings. He decided to take a morning shower, he found it stupid how scared he was people have dinner with their friends all the time it was something he would have to get used to. All he had to do was meet one of Yoongi's work friends but he couldn't handle it. The pressure was too much. He put on some light grey sweatpants and a light blue sweatshirt, he brushed his hair once he had got out of the shower.

Jimin got up so early that by the time he sat out in the living room with a glass of ice water Yoongi was just coming out of the room. He was confused when he woke up alone and Jimin's side of the bed was cold so he began to worry but when he walked out into the living room and saw Jimin just sitting there he felt more relieved.

« Baby why are you up so early? » Yoongi rubbed his eyes walking over and sitting right beside Jimin draping his arm around the younger's neck. Jimin sat straight up with his back against the couch, Yoongi leaned into him a little bit.

« I'm kind of nervous for tonight, the last time I meant someone new was my therapist and that was hard enough I could barely sleep at all. » He didn't want to look over to see Yoongi; he just looked down in his cup and saw the ice floating around in the water, he felt more dumb then anything else really.

« You don't have to talk at all I promise, I will hold your hand the whole time and you don't have to eat the food I order once they leave we will go to the folder and make something that won't overwhelm you okay? »He gave the younger a kiss on the cheek, he didn't want to force Jimin to eat more food that could cause him to relapse so he decided that they could have their own dinner once the married couple had left and they can just relax and have a peaceful night like they have been for weeks.

He knew Jimin wasn't going to be able to have a normal dinner with friends just yet, Jimin even knew that himself. He didn't want to be around new people but he knew in the future he would need to feel comfortable meeting people and talking to them so this was actually good for him.

« Thank you, I guess this whole being a normal human thing is kinda new so I just feel like I'll mess up and your friend won't talk to you anymore. » Yoongi didn't want Jimin to think it was his fault at all, he held him closer feeling his heart rate increase as he did so.

« Are you kidding? You will be fine I promise, everything will be okay and I feel like you'll really like her. » He now regretted asking Ha-na and her wife to come over because seeing Jimin like this hurt him so much and he didn't want him to feel this way ever.

« You're just saying that because she works with people like me and she'll know how to talk to me in a way I won't freak out. » He was tired of people talking to him like he was a child, when people find out about his disorder they start talking differently and it really got him upset.

« No I didn't tell her where I met you, I didn't tell her about you because I want her to know you as you and not judge you or treat you differently because of your disorder. » He was very careful around Ha-na because he wanted Jimin to say what he wants people to know and he knew he would hate it if he told her about his disorder and how they met.

« She's going to find out eventually, I mean it will be hard to hide when I won't eat what everyone else is eating. » He felt like everyone will notice his small portion of food and he felt like Ha-na or her wife would start asking questions that he didn't want to answer.

« Listen everything will be fine alright? You don't have to stress they won't find out until you tell them and Ha-na knows not to ask that kind of question to someone they just met. Her wife probably knows that too so don't stress, I see your muscles tensing babe. » He reached over so he could rub Jimin's shoulders he saw the way he tensed up and he hated when Jimin stressed out like this it wasn't healthy and it made him feel stressed as well.

« Let's just forget about this for now, let's go get you into bed. I'll make you some breakfast and we can watch tv in bed to get our minds off of things. » He stood up holding his hand out for the younger to take it. Jimin stood up with his cup of water and got pulled along as they walked down to their room.

Yoongi helped Jimin set his cup down on the side table, holding his hands helping him climb into the covers. Once he was under the blankets he fixed them over him so he was all tucked in, he propped his head up on the pillows so he could have a better view of the tv and Yoongi turned it to 'your lie in april' making sure to give his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek saying 'I love you' of course before going out to the kitchen. As he went to go walk out of the room he noticed something at the corner of his eye it made him stop to look closer.

The bunny stuffed animal, his old roommates which Jimin seemed to find attachment to. He brought it over to Jimin placing it in his grip, he watched as he brought the bunny close to his face getting lost in the show and making Yoongi melt just looking down at him.

He went back out to make them some breakfast, he hated the fact that Jimin was so nervous about meeting his friend and her wife. He wasn't even this nervous to go visit his therapist so he was really hoping that everything will go good tonight because he didn't want Jimin to feel like it was his fault if things didn't go to plan. He wanted to have his friend and wife come over and they could just order food but he was afraid Jimin would feel left out or put in the spotlight when he isn't eating the food everyone else is but he would just have to wait and see what happens tonight.

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