«131» Sparking water kind of night

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Yoongi drove Ha-na and Su-ji back to their house before taking Jimin back home. His heart was still racing and he was still feeling nervous even though Jimin had said yes already and the big moment was over. The whole way home Jimin couldn't stop staring at the ring on his finger, he was smiling so big and that really made Yoongi feel better since he was scared if he'd even like it or not.

« Yoongi I- I can't believe we are engaged. » Jimin wiped some of the tears that were beginning to fall out of his eyes again as Yoongi pulled into his parking spot in front of his apartment. Never in his life did he even imagine what this moment would feel like so he couldn't prepare for this happening at all.

« It feels like a dream, I knew I was going to propose on this night for weeks and knowing we will finally be engaged was already so crazy and shocking but now it's real and I just don't know how to put it in words. » Yoongi took the keys out of the ignition yet both of them sat there still in their spots trying to wrap their heads around what happened tonight.

« It's beautiful. » Jimin was still staring at the ring but he looked up to Yoongi so he could hear what he was saying as he wasn't talking that loud.

« I'm glad you think that because that was another thing I was worried about, I was so worried I'd get the wrong ring. » Yoongi blushed telling Jimin this but he snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a kiss on his cheek making him look over to Jimin who was smiling and blushing a little.

« It's perfect, this night was perfect, you're perfect. » Jimin kissed his cheek one more time before opening the door, climbing out.

Yoongi still had another surprise for Jimin but he knew he'd have to wait since tonight was already amazing and the next surprise wasn't quite finished yet since he'll probably need Ha-na's help again.

He followed Jimin, getting out of the car and locking it before walking over to where Jimin was standing to take his hand. Jimin was still wearing Yoongi's jacket so he had sweater paws making it hard for Yoongi to hold his hand but he did it anyway walking Jimin inside their apartment.

Once they got inside Yoongi went into the kitchen to grab something to drink, he had bought some sparkling water at the store a couple days before so he got out two cans of the orange flavored sparkling water setting it down on the counter before grabbing two champagne glasses.

« Babe go get comfortable I'll prepare a movie or show for us to watch. » Jimin nodded and headed back to the bedroom doing what Yoongi asked and got dressed into one of Yoongi's sweatshirts since he was cold and a cute pair of dark green shorts before walking back out into the living room.

Yoongi had poured sparkling water into the champagne classes, back when him and his roommate drank champagne he bought glasses only to use them a couple times so since this night was special for so many reasons he decided to bring the glasses out of course filling it with a non alcoholic drink since the two weren't into alcohol and set them down on the coffee table.

The couch was covered in blankets and the tv was on netflix displaying an episode of 'Itaewon Class' which was currently on pause. Jimin smiled seeing what they were going to watch, he bounced over to the couch wrapping his arms around Yoongi's waist.

« Now how about you go get dressed? » Yoongi shook his head, making Jimin tilt his head to the side confused.

« I'm fine, I just want you to be comfortable. » Jimin pouted looking up at Yoongi with the cutest little face.

« No I won't be comfortable cuddling next to you when you aren't in pajamas. » Jimin went up on his toes kissing Yoongi's nose trying to convince him to go get into some other clothes.

« Fine only because you are asking me to. » He kissed the top of Jimin's head before walking off towards the bedroom so he could get into some other clothes.

Jimin felt content with Yoongi going off to get dressed, he walked into the kitchen to wait for him and grab a little snack to eat since he was mad at how much he ate at the restaurant, he knew he could do better so he grabbed a banana and decided to eat it so he could wait for Yoongi feeling fuller. Once he threw the peel away Yoongi came out of the bed room with a black shirt and some grey sweatpants. Jimin loved when Yoongi wore grey sweatpants all he could do was smile when he saw his boyfriend enter the room meeting him in the living room.

« Alright come on bubba I'm ready. » There was that nickname again, he really couldn't put into words how much he loved to hear that nickname and he wished he would say it more.

The two sat down on the couch, Yoongi messed with the blankets so they were covered in the fluffy white blanket, Jimin placed his feet on the edge of the coffee table leaning in Yoongi. Yoongi rested his legs on the coffee table as well however his legs were straight as Jimin's were bent up and he had one arm wrapped around Jimin pulling him closer to his side.

He was so blessed to have someone like Jimin in his life, he never wanted to date anyone or marry someone or even have kids but now he changed and that's all he could think about. The one thing that hurt him the most though was not being able to talk to Jin his old roommate about it, Jin was now living with his own boyfriend but things happened so fast and once Jin left he started talking to Jimin more so he and Jin had lost contact. He really regretted losing that contact with him but again he was starting to get closer with Jimin so he had a lot going on in his life.

In the next couple days he was now going to talk to Jin and get their relationship back, he was going to make things right and bring Jin and maybe even his boyfriend in his life again if they were even dating still. He just hoped Jin wasn't mad at him or held a grudge from what happened.

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