«129» Dinner time

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They had made it inside the restaurant all the way to their table, Ha-na and Su-ji ordered some red wine to start off with while Yoongi and Jimin had just plain ice water since Yoongi was driving home and Jimin didn't want to go back to alcohol since he had a past with it. It was kind of awkward for Su-ji and Jimin at first since their significant others started to talk about work as they waited for their drinks, they talked about how Dr. Su was back from her vacation however when that name was mentioned Jimin's eyes widened and he grabbed onto Yoongi's arm almost like he wanted to say something or express his opinion.

« Yeah babe? » Yoongi knew that Jimin didn't like Dr. Su and how she was kind of mean to him but Jimin couldn't join in on the conversation because he told himself that his new friends were not allowed to hear about anything from his past so he said a quiet 'no' before sitting back looking down at the table pretending like nothing happened.

The conversation changed once all of them received their drinks and ordered some appetizers. The table kind of got silent as all of them decided on what they wanted to eat, Jimin had his own menu but decided to lean into Yoongi holding onto his arm and looking with him since he didn't really know where to look.

« Did you want a salad or something? » Yoongi asked really quietly, kissing the top of Jimin's head after he asked him he felt Jimin nod against his arm so he flipped through the menu to find the salad options. Jimin pointed to just a normal plain salad with just cucumber and balsamic dressing before flipped his head so he could bury his face in Yoongi's arm closing his eyes feeling the warmth coming from him.

Yoongi then decided to look for what he wanted and by the time the waiter came back with their appetizers. Yoongi pulled Jimin off of him so he could order, ordering of course for Jimin as well Su-ji did the same for her wife and Ha-na and Jimin couldn't help but blush at the way their significant other ordered for them and Jimin wasn't used to it but was thankful Yoongi did that for him.

« So, what have you guys been up to lately? » Ha-na asked, picking up a cracker dipping in the green olive dip they ordered. She winked at Yoongi which Jimin didn't catch since he has been looking down at the table with his hands in his lap trying not to over think about everything that's going on right now.

« You know, nothing much. » Yoongi was so restricted with what he could say, at this moment he didn't want to mention anything about Jimin worried he'd get mad or upset, Jimin could hear in his voice that he was lost so for the first time he sat up to speak.

« He's been helping me with my art, he is going to help me sell my artwork until I can get into an art college. » Jimin smiled at the thought at first he didn't want to mention his dreams in front of his new friends but for some reason he felt really good saying it out loud Yoongi even couldn't help but smile being proud that Jimin spoke up about what he wanted to do with his life.

« you're an artist? » Su-ji sat up looking at Jimin intently asking Jimin, he was confused but went along with it not knowing what she was going to say.

« Well I mean I draw and stuff, Yoongi and my old friend said I was pretty good so I want to take it further. » He nods at the end picking up his cup of water and taking a little sip he was afraid she was going to mention his friend but it didn't seem like she caught on to that part.

« Su-ji you might have some competition over here. » Ha-na nudged her wife laughing in the process going back for another cracker to eat.

« Shut up, artists don't compete. I don't anyway can't' say the same about some. Anyway I do art too, I teach a paint class over by the hospital. It's a little cute place by this bead shop. It's called 'Color my life' . You should come for a class. » Su-ji got so excited explaining her job to Jimin and for some reason he couldn't help but smile. He thought they would be disappointed in him with what he wanted to do but they weren't and that's what made him really happy.

« Yeah I'd actually like that. » He bit his lip looking over at Yoongi almost like he was asking if it was allowed for him to go, Yoongi just kissed him on the forehead nodding his head. He wanted to make sure Jimin knew he didn't need to ask because he'd take Jimin anywhere he needed and wanted to go and he didn't want to be the thing holding Jimin back from his dreams.

« The class meets again next weekend. You should totally come. It will be fun, Yoongi you can come too. » She looked over at Yoongi, he was too busy looking fondly down at Jimin but once he heard his name he shot his head up.

« No I'm not much of an artist. » He shook his head resting his arm on the back of Jimin's chair reaching in the center of the table to take a try at the olive dip.

« You don't have to be an artist to paint. It's all just for fun. » She smiled, Jimin looked over to him with the biggest smile ever and Yoongi couldn't say no when he was looking so cute like that.

« Okay yeah I guess I can come and join. » There wasn't much for him to lose, Jimin was excited and that was enough for him to agree.

« Yes it will be so fun, I'll text you the time and location and all of that. » She clapped her hands together. That was the first time Yoongi heard of what Su-ji did for a living and it was weird how similar their lives were. Ha-na and Yoongi worked at the same hospital and Su-ji and Jimin were artists but he liked how it all turned out and knew Jimin and Su-ji could bond more as friends.

His thinking was cut off when their food arrived.

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