«60» need you more then ever

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Yoongi would much rather be laying in his bed with Jimin cuddled up to his side instead he laid there, tears pooling in his small eyes. He had stormed into his room after having another heated fight with Jin when he got home, yet this time it ended with Jin leaving to go sleep at a friends house and him alone.

Yoongi just wished he could be the perfect friend and he hoped he was treating Jimin better then Jin. Jimin deserves someone who could promise him the world, and maybe Yoongi wasn't the best fit but he was trying his hardest.

Tears began to flood out of his eyes thinking about his friend and roommate who was trying so hard to keep the dying friendship alive. He doesn't know what will happen but he's scared, he's scared Jin will move out. He's scared he won't be able to pay for his schooling and apartment and everything by himself. He's scared that Dr. Lee will find out about his and Jimin's relationship and fire him.

All this stress was not good for Yoongi, he had to take a break from this feeling. He always knew that harming yourself would relieve stress but that's what his job was; to help teens not self harm. Another way he heard was a good way to relieve stress was alcohol but there was none in the apartment.

In the end he had to settle for a hot shower, well the shower was on but Yoongi chose to say on the floor letting the water drip over his face, mixing with the warm tears running down his cheeks.

His cheeks were a deep shade of pink as a mix of quiet and loud sobs left his red bitten lips. The only thing on his mind was his boyfriend who was currently locked away far from his reach. He really could use a hug in this moment, his tears seemed never ending and he felt like he was back in high school.

The nights he would spend crying over his biology notes and the endless study nights. He hasn't cried like this in years and the only cure was Jimin's hugs and kisses.

Of course Jimin had no idea his boyfriend was suffering so much, he knew he was having a hard time but never knew it was to this extent. He thought things were fine until he was sitting to get his weigh in when Yoongi walked into work. He had dark bags under his eyes, red cheeks and eyes matching his bracelet on his wrist.

His shirt was wrinkly and stuffed lazily into his plain black pants, his shoes on but loosely tied. He looked a mess with his hair styled down over his forehead; a look he rarely had.

The older looked horrible and that caught Jimin's attention, he looked sick with his red nose and ears but it's not like Jimin could do anything in that exact moment but if he could he would run over and give him a big hug.

Jimin got snapped out of his thoughts and stare when he heard his name being called by Dr. Lee thanking god he wasn't called by Dr. Su the one staff member he hates.

Yoongi tried to avoid the younger, there was no way in hell he wanted Jimin to see him like this. He just quickly fast walked to the staff room where he threw his stuff in his locker before he went to go fix his appearance.

He grabbed his shirt trying to stuff it better into his pants. He sighed looking down at the wrinkled material wishing he brought a straightener but he wasn't really thinking this morning since he woke up a bit late. He threw himself on one of the chairs in the room bringing one of his feet to himself so he could tie his shoes better.

He folded his socks down properly before tying the laces tighter, doing the same to the other one. He just really wanted to go home but knew he needed to be there for Jimin.

He didn't bother with his hair, it was slicked down to his eyebrows messily thrown about, he just couldn't bother messing with it. He also couldn't wait for the day to be over, he couldn't wait to be in Jimin's room where he could give his boyfriend love.

He now had all the time after his shift since Jin was going to stay with a friend for a while meaning he was allowed to be with the boy he fell in love with.

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