«37» Apology

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Jimin wan't happy about this situation, the feeding tube sending in calories into his body. He swore he could feel the calories enter his body. The more he thought about it the more he wanted to die. When he looked down he could of swore that he was getting bigger, he could see himself getting fatter and fatter yet he wasn't at all.

Silence had taken over the room and Yoongi by now dragged a chair from on of the therapy rooms all the way down to Jimin's. He sat in the corner reading a book about mental illnesses as Jimin just sat there staring down at the white sheets. Every time Yoongi made a sound all Jimin could think about what happened in the bathroom, he blushed and gripped hard on the material just thinking about it. He wanted to scream but he was far too weak to do anything, he wanted to just pull the feeding tube out and die.

Yoongi looked up after reading one of the chapters to see the way Jimin was spacing off. He was worried if he was feeling dizzy or wasn't feeling well so he closed his book and set it on his lap. He stared for a couple seconds seeing the younger not moving an inch so he got up, setting his book down where he was sitting just a couple seconds ago. 

« You good? » He squinted his eyes closed at the way he asked, yet when he opened his eyes Jimin was still sitting their almost stunned.

« Jimin? » He began to take steps closer to Jimin, sitting down on his bed making him look up to make eye contact.

« You okay? » He asked getting shocked when Jimin kept the eye contact, he didn't even blink and for a second Yoongi forgot how to breathe.

« Y-yeah just upset I let myself get like this. » Jimin breathed out spreading his hand out on the white sheet that laid over him. Yoongi glanced down to see his small chubby fingers smiling to himself at how cute he was.

« I know but now all there's left to do is get better. It will be hard trust me, it will be so hard but you just need to surround yourself with people who are willing to help you. » He reaches his hand over to rub circles on Jimin's back, he retracted his hand when he started to like the feeling. He hated that he loved touching the younger but him doing this really made Jimin upset, he wanted the older to touch him.

« All I have is Min-Ju, she's great but it would be nice to have my mother's support. » He admitted missing the warmth Yoongi gave him but he couldn't just ask for his touch again that would be wrong and inappropriate.

 « Oh I see. » He trailed off looking around the room not knowing what to say next yet there was one moment on Jimin's mind that he couldn't get out of his head.

« I'm sorry. » He blurted out, looking to the side to see Yoongi look over in his direction. Yoongi was so confused on why he was apologizing there was nothing to be apologizing for. 

« I'm sorry for what I did in the bathroom, touching you and saying those things,,, I'm sorry for thinking and making it seem like you were anorexic. » He shook his head looking down to play with the sheet again.

« It's okay don't feel bad, and you're right I mean I'm not anorexic I will never get like that but my eating habits are a bit fucked up. » He had never said any of that out loud he hated to admit anything about his personal life. He hated talking about any personal especially to one of the patients.

« But it wasn't my right to say anything like that, and you have a girlfriend so I shouldn't have been touching you like that. » He squeezed his eyes shut trying to keep the tears from flowing down his cheeks. He hated saying the word 'girlfriend' especially when talking about his crush Yoongi.

« Girlfriend? What do you mean? I'm not dating anyone. » He shook his head knitting his eyebrows trying to think of ways he could of thought he had a girlfriend.

« Y-you a-and Dr. Su, I'm sorry I saw the way you two walked into the staff room. I wont tell anyone if you're worried about it. » He bit his bottom lip knowing he was sounding like a crazy person, he had no right to be upset about anything.

« Dr. Su? She's crazy, absolutely insane. Did she say anything to you? » His eyes shot up to Jimin who seemed sad, completely devastated as his small hands gripped the white fabric making his knuckles turn white from gripping so hard. 

« N-No but I saw the way she looked around before going into the staff room, I just assumed. » He took a shaky breath in as he tried to avoid eye contact but it was hard seeing as Yoongi was so handsome.

« Don't assume things, never assume things. » Yoongi grabbed Jimin's chin with his two fingers to make sure he made eye contact. He loved looking at the younger, especially his eyes. They were this deep brown which you could get lost in.

« I-I'm sorry. » Jimin choked out shaking his head and looking down making Yoongi take his hand away from Jimin's chin. Again Jimin wanted to cry from the touch Yoongi wasn't giving him, and Yoongi wanted to touch him even more.

« What'd I say? Don't be sorry. » Yoongi smiled. He didn't want to make the younger nervous but he grabbed one of Jimin's hands, the one not connected to the IV.

He looked down while he ran his thumb over his knuckles, his skin was soft. He hated that his fingers were bony but he just wanted hold it. He wanted to hold it forever.

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