«20» Angry friend

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Yoongi walked outside the clinic door feeling a cold wind hit his pale face. The slight wetness of the light rain pouring from the sky made him growl flipping the hood of his jacket up before walking out into the cold rain drops. He shoved his hands in his pocket grabbing his keys so he could quickly get out of the rain.

He climbed into his silver Toyota corolla putting the hood of his jacket down while shivering from the cold air in his car. He turned the car on quickly so he could get the heat and music on so he didn't have a horribly boring car ride home. He needed some sort of entertainment before he gets home knowing he would get yelled at by his roommate Jin for some dumb reason. Like getting home late which is what he yells at him for every single day.

Once he got home he pulled his car into his parking spot in the small garage in his apartment complex. He owns the apartment so he found it fair for him to park in the garage, that and Jin usually takes an uber so they don't really fight over it. He stepped out of his car locking and closing the garage door before grabbing his phone which he hasn't looked at since the morning.

He looked to find many missed calls from Jin along with texts messages just making his blood boil because he has told Jin he can't have his phone with him all day. Jin should know that he has work but he always calls anyway no matter what which was really annoying.

He walks in the door of his apartment walking up the stairs to the living room where Jin was sitting reading a book that he seemed into. He was so into the book he didn't even see Yoongi walk up the stairs with anger in his eyes.

« What the fuck bro! » Yoongi yelled showing Jin the phone where all the missed calls he had received, this made Jin look up to see what Yoongi was showing him which made him set his book down on the coffee table in front of him giving Yoongi all his attention.

« What? Want me to apologize for calling you? » He knitted his eyebrows crossing his left leg over his right ready to fight back for whatever bullshit Yoongi had to say.

« You know I was at work! Come on I know you, you aren't an idiot. » Yoongi growled taking another step into the living room where he placed his phone back in his jacket pocket.

« Well I'm sorry I was just wondering what time you would be getting home, I was going to order pizza. » Jin answered innocently standing up to meet his level which ended in Jin towering over Yoongi yet not intimidating. Yoongi was never scared of Jin even if he was taller than him.

« My work ends at 8:30 pm every single day no matter what and you should know that by now. » His voice was rough yet demanding making Jin's heart skip a beat yet he wasn't going to let someone younger than him yell at him over nothing.

« I'm sorry if you're hungry pizza is in the kitchen, I don't have time for this. Goodnight. » Jin rolled his eyes pointing into the kitchen before pushing passed him down the hallway towards his bedroom.

« This isn't over jackass. » The mint haired male yelled which was soon followed by a door slamming shut by Jin who was obviously annoyed.

Yoongi stood with his arms crossed anger still rising in his eyes, he threw off his jacket and tossed it on the coat rack before storming off to his own room ignoring the pizza that was getting cold in the kitchen. He didn't care, the only thing he wanted was a warm shower and sleep yet he had to work on his essay before he got to get any of the sleep he craved.

As for Jimin and Min-Ju they continued their dinner which meant Jimin picking at his food while Min-Ju ate one single red grape. There wasn't a lot going on during dinner yet after all patients got one last free time which lasted one hour. Free time was Min-Ju's favorite time of day, she would go finish some projects that she did that day or she would draw something different. The last free time she tried to get Jimin to go with her but he just stayed in his room, yet this time she managed to get him to go with her.

« Maybe I can teach you to draw! » She yelped in excitement clapping her hands which caused Jimin to smile weakly at how excited she was.

« Bold of you to assume that I don't know how to draw. » He narrowed his eyes at her which caused her excitement to fade quick.

« Then draw with me! » She pointed her finger to him which he grabbed her finger bringing it down back to the table where she frowned.

« Fine let's go. » Jimin stood up finally agreeing to do something with her, picking up his tray and walking over to the trash can where he heard running to keep up with him and yelling soon after telling her to walk.

Jimin laughed at her getting a playful hit on his shoulder before she threw her food away and they both laughed as they made their way down to the art room. Jimin was excited to draw again, he usually doesn't get excited over something small but drawing and graphic design was something he was really into.

Min-Ju was just excited that she found someone to share her passion with.

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