1. I Knew You Once.

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"Fuck" I angrily mumble looking at the calendar.

It's February already and I didn't even realise. Hayley's wedding is in a few days and I'm not ready for it. I don't have the outfit, the plane tickets to Nashville, and most importantly, I don't have anyone to go with.

A few months back, when I received the invitation I marked the +1 square, like a dumbass. Now, the thing is that back then I had a boyfriend, and now I don't.

I hit myself mentally for doing that. What was I thinking? I knew we weren't going to last that long. He was just a really goth actor I met when I lived in Vegas. And three months later this is me. Alone, living in LA, and regretting every decision I have ever made leading up to this point in my life.

And now what? I can't call Hayley and tell her I am going alone. I would look stupid in front of everyone.

Especially someone I am not ready to see again. Taylor York. Fuck, the thought of his name made my heart ache and my knees fail. Even after all this time.

Taylor and I had history. Lots of it. Him and I dated for a few months. Back in 2014, in the middle of all the Momentour craziness. We met in a bar in London, he was there for a Paramore concert and I was just finishing university. I didn't even know Paramore back then. A friend of mine introduced us to each other, and we kinda fell in love, cliché I know. We basically made out outside the bar and it all escalated from there. We officially started dating at the first Parahoy, but no one except our closest friends knew.

But obviously fans started theorizing. I was just Hayley's best friend for them - which I also was - but it was obvious that there was something going on.

After six months I broke up with him. I know, me. I basically left the man of my dreams for stupid reasons. I told him it was because I needed a job, I couldn't live my life touring all around the world. But it was a lie, a big enormous lie. I loved touring, I wanted to do it forever, even more if it was with him. But the truth was that I didn't know if I was ready. I was scared of commitment and how much I loved him. I found the love of my life and I was only 22. So I ran away, like I always do.

So knowing that I will regret this decision I pick up my phone and dial the number the only person that I know would come with me. My ex Peter.

"Hello?" He answers the phone, he sounds spacey, he's probably high, like always.

"Hi Peter, it's me Rose," Fuck, I hate having to do this.

"Oh wow, She finally called," he says sarcastically, he scoffs and I want to kill myself. "I know you missed me, but I'm sorry, I've decided that from now on I'll just fuck hookers. Being a slut doesn't count, Sorry. "

"You're disgusting." I spit. I need to be nice but that son of a bitch gets to my nerves. I sink my nails in my arm as I shake my head and change my tone. "I'm not calling for that. I actually need a favour"

"Tell me it's sex, please," he jokes.

"What about your "only hookers" policy?"

"I can pay you afterwards."

I sigh, tired of him already.

"It's not about sex." I stumble with my words, not wanting to get them out. "I marked the +1 box on a wedding invitation when we were dating and now I have no one to go with," I explain, my leg bouncing up and down.

"And now you come begging me to go with you, real classy" he laughs humourlessly. I can feel the sarcastic smile on his face as he talks.

"Yes. Now, are you coming or not?" I say nonchalantly.

A few seconds of silence go by as I sink my nails further into my skin.

This was a stupid idea. Why am I doing this? I truly love sabotaging my life.

"Sure, whatever" he finally sighs.

"Wait, really?" I say slowly, not believing him.

"Yeah, I miss watching your ass while you aren't looking" and I know he's grinning behind the phone. That bastard just wanted to mess with me before saying yes.

"Okay, the wedding is in Nashville, next weekend"

"Nashville? Are you going to buy my ticket?"

I laugh uncontrollably.

"You're a big boy, pay it yourself"

"That's a lot of sacrifice for a piece of ass," he sighs. " Okay, sure, whatever."

"The hotel is already booked by them. Come Friday afternoon to Nashville and I'll try to get there before you so we can go together." I pause wondering if I am forgetting something. "Oh! And most importantly, no chains, no satanic symbolism, and no eyeliner." I warn.

I am not going to stand his emo shit.

"No eyeliner?! Like a peasant?" he complains.

"Just try to be normal, wear a regular suit."

"You just take away all the fun"

"You used to be nice to me, you know?"

"That's because I used to bang you"

A laugh escapes my lips. He may be a bastard, but at least he's funny.

"Okay, I have to go. Text me if you need anything."

"Bye, Rose."

"Bye, Peter."

Okay so this was my first chapter. I know there wasnt any taylor action here but I promise is coming! This was just a quick explanation and presentation, theres much more to this story! Hoped you liked it xx

Ps: Im actually spanish so sorry if my english is kinda bad lol

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