23. Ring

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I still can't believe we're officially dating. If you would've told me that a few weeks ago I would've laughed in your face.

But here he is now. His soft touch on my thigh as we drive to Taco Bell, humming along to some song I don't remember the lyrics to. The biggest smile on his face, it hasn't faded since I first called him my boyfriend.

My boyfriend.

Because he likes me.

And I like him.

And we like each other.

A grin inevitably appears on my face.

I really like that.

Taylor and I get to Taco Bell after a few minutes. We decide to eat inside, it isn't a busy day.

We order our food, we get it and we sit in an old-looking booth in the corner.

He starts eating his fries.

"I've found an apartment" I comment.

He raises his gaze interested.

"Really?" he asks me.

"Yeah, it's pretty close to your house and it's really nice" I eat a nacho "We can go to see it tomorrow if you want to" I propose to him.

"Do I have to go?" he complains.


"I mean..." that caught me off guard "Not really, I just thought you might want to see it"

"I'll have to see it anyway, eventually" he does not make eye contact with me and only focuses in his food.

Why is he being this rude? We were more than fine 5 minutes ago.

"Why are you being so rude?" I suddenly ask surprising myself.

I don't say it in a bad tone. I just genuinely want to know.

He shoots his head up confused.

"What do you mean? I'm not bei-" he suddenly pauses and sighs "I'm sorry, I am" he realizes "It's just that you know I don't really like the idea of you leaving and it makes me react like that. I'm sorry" he explains.

I smile and reach his hand over the table. I draw circles I'm his skin with my thumb.

"It's fine. But don't think about it as me leaving, it's more like me liking you so much that I need some space not to get overwhelmed" I softly speak, he nods.

It looks like everytime I comment on how much I like him his eyes light up.

"Promise me we'll see each other almost every day" he says "And if we can't we have to at least FaceTime" he adds watching me intensely.

I look at him for a second.

That does sound good.

I would love to be able to see that face every day.

It's very cute that he worries so much about it. He must really likes me.

A smile inevitably makes his way onto my face

"I promise" I solemnly say.

His expression transforms into a grin. He brings my hand to his mouth, gently kissing it.

"God, bless the guy who introduced us" he mumbles.

I smile even wider.

"I don't even remember his name" I chuckle.

I Knew You Once  [ Taylor York ]Where stories live. Discover now