25. I think she's the one

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Taylor PoV

"I can't wait to get into the studio next week" I tell Hayley.

She raises her gaze from the journal where she keeps all her lyrics and smiles at me.

"Yeah, it'll be fun" she mumbles.

My home studio has been a good starting point for this new record, but I'm ready to play with big boy toys.

"So..." I start "Is married life as good as they say?" I ask her trying to make conversation.

She shifts her position in the sofa.

She thinks I don't notice the sad lyrics, or how she ignores Chad's texts. Something's going on, I've known her forever and I can tell.

"Yeah, I mean, not much has changed" she blandly responds "After 8 years together I guess there's not much to change" she half-smiles.

I nod understandingly, moving slightly in my office chair.

"Anyway, how are you and Rose?" she asks me, trying to get the attention off her.

"Amazing, she's a dream" I answer without thinking twice about it "I really do love her" I honestly tell Hayley.

"Yeah, I think she's good for you" she smiles at me "And I've known you since we were twelve so I think I have the most authority to say that"

"And my mom?"

"Your mom hasn't seen you vomit like 5 liters of beer in the tour bus toilet the night after meeting Rose, I think I have more authority" she crosses her arms.

I chuckle.

"Touché" I admit. I take a deep breath "I guess we're still on the cupcake phase, but... I just don't feel this feeling will ever go away" I manage to get out. I'm not one to talk about my feelings often, but this time I have a lot to talk about "Does it ever go away?" I ask her.

She thinks about it for a second.

"I guess it fades a bit" she mumbles "After a while it becomes more about making sacrifices to be with that person, and working hard to maintain it. But I guess it's worth it in the end" she explains.

I slowly nod.

I love her. I love Rose. I'm hopelessly in love with her.

Every second I'm with her I wish could last forever. It's such an overwhelming feeling that I can't even think about anything else.

"Hayley, I... I think she's the one" I finally confess, feeling a weight lifting off my shoulders.

She suddenly turns to me, surprised.

"Do you really?" her eyes are wide open.

I nod smiling.

"I've never loved anyone more than I love her" I sit back in my chair "You saw how I was when we broke up. And this time is just so perfect I can't even believe it sometimes. Believe me when I tell you that she is the one" I let out.

Hayley nods and loses herself in her thoughts for a moment, just a second, but I can feel all her doubts about us (if there ever were any) going away.

"I'm happy that you feel like that" she mumbles slowly "I've seen you so down this last year and a half... And with Jeremy and everything, I mean it's been a crazy few months. And suddenly she comes and you're the funny and full of life same old Taylor... I just-I'm so happy for you. I don't want you to get hurt, because you seem so exited and happy. But I honestly don't think you will" she looks at me after she finishes talking.

Man, I feel like crying.

I nod.

"I just want to spend the rest of my life with h-"

"It's officially mine!" Rose bursts through the door, dangling a pair of keys.

"Hi!" Hayley and I say, surprised by her sudden appearance.

"I just signed the papers, I have an new apartment!" She excitedly exclaims.

She's so goddamn cute I can't handle it.

"That's great!" I get up and I hug her, Hayley does too.

I wasn't very sure about the apartment but seeing her this happy is totally worth it. We sit back on our places.

"What were you doing anyway?" She sits in my lap, surprising me and leaves her bag on the floor.

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

I try to act natural as she puts her arm around my neck.

"Oh, just talking" Hayley responds, looking at me teasingly.

I narrow my eyes and I send her a killer look.

Don't you dare say a thing.

"About what?" Rose asks after seeing our looks.

"You" Hayley says.

Oh, she's dead.

"Shut up" I warn pointing at her.

"No! What were you saying about me?" Rose looks at me waiting for an answer.

Uhm, how do I tell my 3 week girlfriend that I want to spend the rest of my life with her without freaking her out?

"Just that you're great" I quickly save it and I give her a quick kiss.

She looks at me suspicious but let's it slip.

We talk for a few minutes, but I can't stop thinking about her.

I love her.

Fuck, I love her.

I'm screwed.

Rose's PoV.

"Do you want something to drink?" Taylor suddenly asks us.

"Yeah, that would be cool" Hayley says.

I nod too.

"I'll be back in a second" Taylor mumbles and I get up from his lap.

As he closes the door Hayley suddenly turns to me.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asks me, the tone of the conversation turning serious.

"Yeah, what's up?" I answer intrigued as I sit back down.

She breaths deeply

"I just want to know if you really love Taylor" she abruptly ask.

I blink a few times trying to understand what she just asked.

Of course I do, what kind of question is that?

"Yes, obviously" I answer simply.

"But really like love him?" She emphasizes the word love.

I nod.

"Why are you asking me this?"

"I just... Needed to make sure" she softly speaks "You two are my friends, and I just don't want you getting hurt"

"Hayley, I really really do love him" I tell her.

"I believe you... Taylor is so head over heels for you and I don't want him to be sad again" she explains slowly, I smile faintly, "Do you see your relationship as a long-term thing?"

I think about it for a second.

I mean I really hope so.

I want it to be.

I just don't know if I'll fuck up.

"I mean, I hope we last a long time" I mumble.

"One thing is hoping, another is knowing that you'll last"

I sigh "You're a child of divorce too. You know we're not the most optimistic about love in general. I honestly don't know, anything could happen, but I want us to last, I tell you that"

She smiles.


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