8. Until dawn.

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He opens the door, and only let's his head out. His curls a big mess.

"Wha-" he starts groggily. He's shirtless and probably was asleep.

"I'm sorry I've been avoiding you." I quickly spit, cutting him short.

I don't even know how I got to this point. I was tossing and turning one moment, and the next one I was in front of his room, knocking his door.

He looks confused beyond all limits.

I mean, it's kind of weird appearing at your ex's door at 2 am. Especially after avoiding his texts for two days straight.

We stay in silence for a few seconds, looking at each other intensly. Taylor, trying to take it all in in his groggy state, with a very confused expression in his face. While I wait for a reaction from his part, I notice my heart beating as if it wanted to get out of my chest.

"You ehm... I mean- You brought my hoodie." that's the only thing that escapes his lips.

I get caught of guard and I look at my hand.

"Oh- Yeah! I wanted to return it" I quickly respond.

We stay in silence for a few seconds.

"You- you want to come in?" he scratched the back of his head and avoided my gaze.

"Uhm, yeah, sure."

He opens the door more for me to enter and I awkwardly do so.

I can't help but stare at his toned chest for a split second, but I quickly direct my eyes to the rest to the room, the same one we shared the first Parahoy, I look at the exact spot where we became boyfriend and girlfriend, I weakly grin at the thought. We stand just next to the door.

I mumble a "here" as I hand him his sweatshirt. Which he rapidly puts on.

"So...-" he starts

"Can we-" I say at the same time as him.

We both chuckle lightly.

"You go first" he smiles at me kindly.

"Can we drop our bullshit and just talk?" I say non-chalantly.

He looks surprised by my fowardness. But seems okay with the idea.

"Yes, please. Go to the terrace, I'll grab two beers."

"Rad" I smile at him and make my way outside. I lay down on one of the two deck chairs and I capture the moment. I look upwards and stare at the stars in all their glory, without all that light contamination LA has. I close my eyes and I smell the marvellous scent of the sea.

I sense a presence besides me and I open my eyes. Taylor opens the two beers and hands me one. I lay back down onto the deck chair and I close my eyes again, feeling relaxed for the first time in all my vacation. And it feels good.

I feel Taylor's eyes on me, and I slowly open my eyes.

"I could stay here forever." I whisper and take a sip of my beer.

"So could I," he sighs "but good things don't last long."

I turn to him.

"That's a lie" he chuckles to himself. "What about Paramore?"

"Yeah, that's hanging from a thread" he looks sadder by the moment.

"What do you mean?" My interest peaked.

"Well, you know, Hayley's been... Having a rough time" he sighs "We've all had. But her specially." he takes a sip. "She actually left the band unofficially for a few weeks, but I kept on sending her stuff I was working on. And I guess I pulled her back in. She doesn't have much motivation, but at least is something."

I Knew You Once  [ Taylor York ]Where stories live. Discover now