16. We'll worry about that later

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Taylor's PoV

I got a text from Zac saying that there was going to be a party tonight.

He also told me that it was going to be at my house. I opposed at first but I can't argue with him, and also I am really bored.

So I quickly call Hayley and I tell her to buy beer and some snacks on her way here.

It is now 6, and Rose is still asleep. I meant to wake her up for lunch, but she was so damn cute asleep that I couldn't do it.

Kinda creepy, dude.

Shut up.

I climb out the window of my music room and I sit on my roof, sipping on a beer.

This morning with Rose... I mean she was so upset because she kissed Josh, but we're not dating. I mean I obviously like her, how could you not. I know she likes me, more or less. I should do something about it.

After a few minutes I hear Hayley ringing the bell.

I quickly text her telling her to come to the roof.

She finally gets here.

"Hey" she says.

"Hi" I reply with a smile.

She sits next to me.

"Your hair is yellow" I mumble.

She chuckles "Yeah, Brian just dyed it this morning"

"Is it GDY?" I ask her.


"Rad" I smile.

"So how was Florida?" she changes subject.

"Not so good, I came back early"

"Oh" she simply replied.

Silence makes his way into the conversation, a comforting one, that let's me think about the only thing that's been on my head for the last few weeks.

"Hey, can ask you advice on something?" I suddenly ask.

She looks at me with a grin.

"It's Rose, isn't it?"

I sigh.

"Yeah" I chuckle. "It's just that this morning she came back, and just started crying when I opened the door" Hayley looks at me worried "So I asked her what happened and she told me that she kissed Josh, she was apologising and she seemed very upset" I take a deep breath "I told her she could do anything she wanted because we aren't dating... But she was really upset. Like she felt like she had disappointed me. And I don't know what to do anymore. We keep sending each other mixed signals, and it sucks because I want to be with her, but I also don't want to get hurt like last time"

Those words leave my mouth without even realising it. I realize that I need to vent more often.

"Tell her that" Hayley softly speaks.


"Tell her exactly how you feel. And talk clear about your doubts. That's the only way, I think" she answered.

"You're probably right" I take a sip of my beer "Anyway let's change subject"

Hayley and I talk for a few more minutes and suddenly I hear a knock on the window. We both look at it as it opens.

"Hey, guys!" Rose sticks her head out.

Her eyes are puffy and her hair is a mess, she probably just woke up.

I Knew You Once  [ Taylor York ]Where stories live. Discover now