9. It looks pretty badass

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"Thanks for tonight." I say standing at his door.

"Yeah, I really needed that." he mumbled.

I look at him in the eyes, not knowing how to say goodbye.

"See ya later." Is what I come up with. Simple, but it implies us seeing each other again.

But as I walk away Taylor calls me.


I turn around.

"Are you coming to the Q&A later?" he asked.

"Yeah, probably"

"You can come 15 minutes earlier here so I can sneak you backstage"

"Sure, sounds good." I smile brightly at him.

. . .

I close the door behind me and I enter the room. I hear the shower so I suppose Peter is in there. I decide to take a nap before lunch. After all I spent all night talking with Taylor.

I slide under my covers with my clothes from the day before on and I close my eyes.

Tonight went great. I mean it. It surpassed any expectations I could have had.

And I suppose now I would have gotten closure. But fuck no. On the contrary this has fed even more my "little" crush on Taylor.

I just want to be with him all the time, everywhere.

I sigh and suddenly I realise I'm crying. Wait, why the hell am I crying? I mean I guess it's normal with all the emotions I've been experiencing. So I just let it happen

I hear the shower turn off and the bathroom door opening.

"Here she is, I thought you went missing. Where were you last night? I tried to call you" Peter says behind me. I hear him picking up clothes from his suitcase.

"I talked to Taylor" I mumble, trying not to make obvious that I'm crying.

He stops his actions.

"What? Really? How did it go? I mean I suppose great if you stayed in his room all night." he laughs mischeviously. I hear his voice closer.

"It went great"

Peter gets closer to me.

"Wait, are you okay? Why are you crying?" he asks, visibly worried. He sits in my twin bed.

I sit up.

"It's fine, I'm okay. It's really nothing" I dry my tears with my hands.

"Are you sure? Did he do this? Did something go wrong?" He starts attacking me with questions. To the point I get overwhelmed.

"Peter, stop!" He suddenly stops talking. "I'm fine, just leave me alone" I say, mad at this point.

He sighs, gets up and exits the room, while I go back to my so desired nap.

. . .

I wake up at 2 pm, just 15 minutes before having to meet Taylor. My stomach growls and I curse myself for not waking up before lunch.

I Knew You Once  [ Taylor York ]Where stories live. Discover now