5. I love you

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Okay guys, in this chapter there's gonna be an anachronism. Let's just pretend hate to see your heart break came out after tay and rose broke up. It's just a thing I wanted to add because i liked, even if it doesnt make sense. Hope ur enjoying the story, love ya.

The cold of the night hits me as I walk outside. Taylor is by my side as he guides me to his car.

I sense a soft and comforting breeze in the dark, the only thing illuminating the streets being the streetlights of Nashville.

Our hands brush together as we walk side by side. I place my hand on my arm turning a light shade of pink.

"So... " he starts slowly "Are you coming to Parahoy?"

"Are you kidding? Of course!" He looks at me and grins "Last time was the most fun ever, I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Yeah it was really fun" he smiles and sees his car parked and uses his keys to open it.

I look at it for a second.

"A mini cooper?"

"Yeah, isn't it cool?" he looks proudly at the vehicle.

"Sure, whatever you say..." I joke.

He opens de door for me.

"Oh, thank you." I mumble timidly.

He smiles at me and I sit, lightly blushing. Taylor goes around the car and sits, turning it on.

"We're just finishing the setlists. It's gonna be rad." he says enthusiastically talking about Parahoy.

He starts driving.

"Rad? Since when do you say rad?" I laugh loudly.

"What's wrong with it?" he chuckles with me.

"Nothing, it's cool." I look at him smiling. His eyes aren't as bright as they once were. But there's a spark lost in them.

We sit there for a moment, taking it all in.

He makes me go crazy. He makes my heart flutter and my legs fail. He makes me want to be happy,  and think that maybe the future isn't so bad.

"Remember that night we got so drunk?" he suddenly says.

"That time in Parahoy?" I ask, memories flooding my mind.


"Oh my god, that was the craziest thing ever!" I starts laughing and Taylor joins me, loudly. "And-and when you climbed the stage." I am full on snorting at this point, words barely leaving my mouth.

We can't stop laughing, and I realise I haven't laughed so hard in a while. We slowly relax.

"Man, we should hang out more often. I'm having the time of my life." I say without thinking and he smiles at me.

"Yeah, we should" Taylor returns his eyes to the road and I let my eyes wander around his features for a bit.

He looks... Older. And he is a year and a half older but there's something about his eyes, I don't really know what, but I just know there is.

"Your birthday is soon, right?" he asks suddenly.

I smile sadly "Yeah, the twenty-third." I mumble slowly.

"Are you going out or something?" 

"I don't think so, I'm not really doing much this year." I sink into the car seat.

"Oh... Why is that?" he looks at me briefly with a concerned frown.

"I just... I don't like to party as much anymore... I have lots of work and I don't have many friends in LA anyway..." I confess.

I Knew You Once  [ Taylor York ]Where stories live. Discover now