Chapter 11

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Honey's P.O.V

"Rage," I nearly curse myself for sounding so weak and whimpering.

I hear the old cot groan as he pushes his body of it and slowly makes his way towards me, "Yes Dew?" he whispers as he comes up to my side, his voice falling around me, making me feel safe, protected.

"Why did Dom hurt me? And before you say no, or that its club business, just know that man attacked me in an alley way because of what you did for this club, so I think I deserve to know," I tell him and watch as he fights with himself before finally giving in and sitting in the chair while grabbing my hand.

He lets out a sigh before taking a deep breath and look over at me, "You know some of what I do, " He pauses and I nod, "but not all. I hurt people Dew a lot. I hurt the people who hurt my brothers, the club and you," he looks me in the eyes, staring into my soul it feels like, "Dom was one of those people. He tried to rape Jojo, tried to steal from the club and put his hands on you before this. We got him, and kept him in the shed for a week. Everyone had a shot, but I had the most. Every place I hit him, he hit you, he did exactly what I did to him to you. They have him in the shed right now, waiting, wondering. He will be there, waiting until you get home and I can do exactly what I should have done before. No one messes with my girl," he growls the last words so deep and rough I almost don't understand him.

"Kill him?" I whisper and his hand tightens even more on mine.

"No Dew," and from the corner of my eye I see his face split into a grin even I'm afraid of, "torture him, make him beg for death," he growls in a near animalistic way.

Shivering, I turn slowly and look at him even more, his eyes are distant. cold. gone, and full of excitement over the thoughts going on his mind I'd never want to know about. This is Rage. The man everyone is afraid of, the man who brings pain to all, the man they warned me about and I'm all alone in a room with him.

I grab onto his hand even more and bring it up close to me and kiss the inside of his wrist lightly and hear him growl, "Careful little girl, you're playing with fire."

Grinning I bring his hand even closer and kiss the inside of his palm and again he lets out a growl, "my beautiful little Honeydew you're mine you know this right?" his deep, raspy voice sends shivers done my spine again as I look into his eyes and see the possessiveness shine as he looks me over with hunger as well.

"Yes, Rage I know," I whisper, I think I like this Rage.

He hums a noise of approval and moves away from me back to his cot, it groaning under his weight again, "sleep, you go home tomorrow, and I will do what needs to be done," he commands.

"Goodnight Rage, I love you," I whisper into the darkness,

"Goodnight Dew, I love you," he growls and with that my eyes close and I somehow find sleep for the third time tonight.

Two hours later.

"The lights hurt," I whimper as I wake for the second time this morning, "Rage."

I hear as he jumps from the cot and walks over to my bedside. He bends over and places a kiss on my forehead before moving away and turning out the lights. I let out a sigh and slowly open my eyes again, "You get to go home today Honeydew," Rage whispers close to me.

I nod lightly, "I know," I mumble back.

We go home, which means he gets to hurt someone, torture that man.

"Whats wrong?" comes his voice again.

"I just," I let out a sigh and then look back up at him, "Do you have to hurt Dom? Yes, he put me in here, yes he hurt me but are you really any better for hurting him?" I ask him.

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