Chapter 23

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Kellen POV;

Slumped in my hammock, I rock back and forth aimlessly, staring up through the branches of the oaks; I shut my eyes to try another attempt at sleeping since my recent restlessness had led to insomnia. With a sigh, my tired eyes open again and resume their staring. My hands frantically retracing every detail of Ana’s bracelet again; after Bell had told me what little she knew about the traditions of the bracelet I’d done my own research.

The tradition remained that every father would give to his daughter a bracelet personalized with three gemstones, each gemstone conveying a message and meaning for the daughter/s to take and help them for the future. Having had the royal jeweler take a look at Ana’s bracelet, he’d name her three gemstones as; Sapphire, Tanzanite and Iolite.

Upon this information, I researched the gemstones and their meanings;

Sapphire, the stone of ‘holy blessing’ and/or ‘stone of destiny’, draws protection, and prophetic wisdom to the user. It contributes to mental clarity and perception while overseeing one’s divine destiny or ‘mission’ in life, instilling hope, faith and joy during the journey.

Tanzanite, used to link the mind with the heart, as it is an important communication stone, giving one the ability to speak the truth. It is also a stone which promotes compassion, raises consciousness in meditation, calms an overactive mind and brings on a peaceful understanding of one’s own heart.

Iolite; opens a path to you deep inner self. Used to help discover the lost parts of self and inner treasures, a stone of vision and creative expression.

This research had not only given me a distraction but also calmed my recently scattered thoughts and, in a way, made me feel closer to Ana by way of knowing something more about her. All of the traits presented in the meanings of the stones, I had caught glimpses of in my Ana in the short time I’d spent with her. My mind turned to the south where the tradition began and was still carried on; was Ana from the south? Or were her parents? More questions appeared in my mind as I turned over the topic. I’d ask Ana the next time we spoke; surely such general questions wouldn’t be a problem, right?

“Good job that bracelets made from pure white gold.” Sounded a voice from the far right hand corner of the garden. Looking up, Maxim stood leant casually- hands stuffed in pockets- against one of the sculptures around the pond. “It’d be copper by now if it wasn’t with the amount of times you turn it over and over again,” he chuckled, pushing off from the sculpture and walking around the pond towards me. “Move over.”

Sliding lazily to the side, I said nothing as he sat down and the hammock lowered marginally under the added weight. “What does it tell you about her?” Asked Maxim curiously.

“Nothing I don’t already know or guessed I suppose. It suggests that she’s compassionate, knows her heart and mind well, is truthful and good at communication, and has clarity when it comes to her future. Or at least these were the traits her father wanted to give her, and from what little I saw, I think Ana has them all.” I reason thoughtfully.

“Pretty neat tradition if you ask me. Anyway, I came down here to tell you you’re coming to the club Sophia and I are opening tonight in the heart of the city.” He said matter of factly getting up again.

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