Chapter 5

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A/N: I just wanted to express my thanks to my readers who are following this story and voting and commenting on it. I will try to keep the story going on a timely basis. ❤❤❤

Third Person POV

Tin walked sadly to the mall parking lot carefully carrying the fish bowl that Can had rejected earlier and when he got near his car he pressed his key to unlock the doors.

He carefully set the fish bowl on the floor by the passenger seat, praying that on his drive home he would not have to brake sharply and set the fish bowl spilling all over the floor of his car.

Fortunately, no such thing happened and he was able to get home with the fish bowl still settled firmly on the floor of his car. He got out of the driver's side and went over to the passenger side to retrieve it.

His mother greeted him when he got inside the living room. She raised her eyebrows upon seeing her son carrying the fish bowl.

"I didn't know that you liked to take care of pets, especially not a fish," said his mom.

"It's not for me," said Tin, "it's for a friend. He's just not ready to take it to his home yet."

"And why is that?" asked his mom.

"He doesn't know yet if his mom will allow him to have it at home," replied Tin.

"Then why did you buy it already?" his mom asked, shaking her head.

Tin did not answer but went straight up to his room. He found a space to set down the fish bowl on his study table. His study table was spacious enough to have the fish bowl safely on it without the risk of it getting knocked over.

Tin sat in front of the fish bowl and started talking to the fish. He knew it was silly but already he had started to grow attached to the fish.

"Hi, there, fish," he said, smiling at it. Somehow his smile changed his face completely. It made him look vulnerable but very, very, very handsome.

"I have to give you a name," said Tin, "I cannot just keep on calling you Fish. I know! I'm gonna call you Rainbow! It might sound lame but I want to refer to your colors. Okay, I will be honest and say that you make me feel nice inside, the same feeling I get whenever I see a rainbow."

What Tin was not yet prepared to admit was that because the fish had a connection to Can, he felt all nice inside, and like he just said, it was the same nice feeling he got whenever he saw a rainbow in the sky.

He really wanted to follow up with Can if he had talked to his mother about having a fish in his room, but he realized that he did not even have Can's phone number.

Tin decided to call Pete.

"Pete," said Tin when Pete answered his call, "do you happen to have Can's phone number?"

"I don't," said Pete, "and even if I had it, I cannot just give it to you without asking his permission to give it to you."

"Then can you ask Ae to call Can to get his permission to give his phone number to me?" Tin persisted.

"I will do that," said Pete, "but don't get your hopes too high."

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