Chapter 12

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Third Person POV

As soon as Can and his mom and sister entered the mall his phone started ringing. The ringtone indicated that the call was from Ae.

Can swiped his phone and before he could say a word Ae said, "So you wanna meet up with us for lunch?"

Before Can could even answer he could hear Tin's voice in the background, "Ask him to ask his mom if he can bring home a fish for a pet."

"And also, Can....." said Ae but he was interrupted by Can saying, "I heard him but I'm not accepting anything from him."

"Can," said Ae, "you are on speaker, so Tin heard what you just said. Can't you change your mind about the fish? He even has a name for it already."

"What does he call the fish?" In spite of himself, Can got curious about the fish's name.

"Rainbow," Tin answered for Ae.

Again, in spite of himself, Can started to giggle. How silly to name a fish, he thought. Did Tin have some tiny bit of fluffiness in him in spite of his rough exterior? Can shook his head. He did not want to acknowledge it.

Can started to waver. Should he accept the fish and let it into his home?

"Give me time to ask my mom about it," Can finally said.

"Yasssssssss!!!" he heard Pete and Tin in the background. Can had forgotten that he had been placed on speaker by Ae.

Then Can heard Tin say something in the background but it was not so audible this time.

"Can," said Ae, "Tin wants to know if your mom says yes, if Tin can deliver the fish to your house. And if so, he wants to know your home address."

No way, no freaking way, Can thought. He was not even comfortable giving Tin his phone number, much less was he comfortable to let him know where he lived.

"If my mom says yes," Can said, "let Tin give it to you and I will pick it up from your place"

"Tin is asking if you could meet up in Pete's place instead," said Ae.

"Forget it," said Can, "tell him he can keep Rainbow."

Shit, did I actually refer to the fish already as Rainbow, Can asked himself. That just slipped out of me, darn it.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Then Ae spoke up again, "So, Can, you wanna hang out with us for lunch?"

"Which food stall are you going to?" asked Can.

Again, Can heard Tin's voice in the background. "Ask him where he wants to go."

"Can, where do....." Ae got interrupted by Can, "I heard him, Ae. I'm sorry but I really would prefer to have lunch with Lay and my mom. Let's do it another time, you and I."

Ae said, "Very well, then. I'm sorry that we can't hang out today. Yeah, let's meet up another time."

"Oh, before you hang up," Ae's voice suddenly sounded excited, "was that your new car that you were driving earlier? It looks so cool! Can you take me for a spin in it some time?"

"Yeah, my dad bought it for me just this morning," Can replied, "of course I'll take you for a spin in it the first chance we get. Can you take me off your speaker? I wanna say something to you in private."

"Okay, you're off my speaker now," said Ae.

"When I take you for a spin in my car, I want it to be only you and me. I don't want Pete and Tin to join us, okay?"

There was a brief silence on the other end.

"I am very disappointed in you," Ae finally spoke up. "Maybe you can just take Pond or Good to ride with you in your new car. I'm suddenly not interested any more."

"Ae!!!" Can tried to say, but Ae hung up on him.

Fuck! Why did Ae have to get involved with those two outsiders? Can asked in frustration.

Suddenly he felt a tug on his wrist.

"P'Can, you're lagging behind too much!" said Lay, "come and see what you think about those T-shirts with very funny sayings on the front. Come, choose one for me!"

For some time, at least, Can got distracted going through the t-shirts that Lay brought for him to see.

He chose two t-shirts for Lay. One said, "I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't want to come." and another one that said, "If my mouth doesn't say it, my face definitely will."

For himself, Can chose the one that said, "Allergic to mornings." and another that said, "My bed is my best friend."

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