Chapter 42

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Third Person POV

The moment Can's dad got home from work, he looked for his son.

"He's not home yet," said Can's mom.

"Does he have evening classes?" the dad asked.

"I'm not sure," said the mom.

"Lay!" Can's mom called out from the foot of the stairs, "can you come down for a minute?"

"Coming, mom,"said Lay.

"Do you know if your brother has evening classes, Lay?" Can's mom asked her when she was only half way down the stairs.

"I don't think so, mom, but I saw him heading for the football field with Good and his other team mates after his last class," said Lay.

"How long ago was that?" asked Can's dad.

"More than an hour ago," replied Lay.

"I'm gonna give him another hour then I'm gonna call him to come home," said Can's dad.

"Why is it so important that you need to talk to him? Is it something urgent?" asked Can's mom.

"Something might happen tomorrow that will change our lives considerably and it will especially affect Cantaloupe," said Can's dad.

"Is it good or bad?" Can's mom was starting to get anxious.

"If it happens, it will definitely be good, if it doesn't happen, our lives will remain the same," Can's dad replied.

"That's a relief to know," said Can's mom, handing her husband a cup of hibiscus flavored black tea.

More than an hour had passed and Can's mom had already set the dining table with the family dinner, with the help of the live-in housekeeper.

Just as Can's dad took out his phone to call Can, Can burst into the living room, his face all smiles and looking very excited.

"Dad! Mom!" he said excitedly, "my football coach said that my playing has improved so much that he plans to make me go into the field as a main player during our first game against the Engineering team!"

"That's good, son," said Can's dad, but his mind was not really on what Can was saying.

"Son," he said, "can you come sit with me here for a second? Would you also like a cup of tea?"

"No, thanks, dad," said Can. "Can our conversation wait, though? I feel so sticky from the game. I would like to take a shower first."

"No, son, it cannot wait," said his dad seriously.

Some instinct told Can that he was going to face some kind of problem. A very serious problem.

"Come sit beside me, son," said his dad, patting the space beside him on the couch.

For some reason, an old nursery rhyme came to Can's mind: Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.

Can walked slowly toward the couch where his father was sitting and sat stiffly on the edge of the couch.

"Hey, relax, son!" said his dad, all smiles, and placing an arm heavily around his shoulder.

"So, did you say your game was improving?"

"Yes, dad."

"Is Tin also a football player?"

"No, dad."

"Son, stop talking to me in monosyllables! How are you and Tin doing? I mean in terms of friendship or maybe even more than friendship?" the dad asked, winking twice at his son.

"We are friends, and nothing more," Can replied. He could feel his cheeks getting warm.

"You don't have any feelings of more than friendship for Tin?" asked his dad anxiously.

"Is there something you want to tell me, dad?"

"Well, I'm just curious to know, if Tin was to propose marriage to you, would you accept his proposal?"

Can's hair stood on end. Tin had mentioned marriage to him twice today. Did Tin know something that he didn't know.

"Listen to me, Cantaloupe," his father said before he could even reply, "tomorrow there is a ninety nine percent possibility that I will become co-owner of Mr. Medthanan's business. That will make both you and Tin co-heirs to the business and Chanvit and I have decided to bind you together legally, to keep the business within the family."

Can stood up from the couch. He had enough of the conversation. The heat on his cheeks were no longer caused by embarrassment from his father's questions about his relationship with Tin. It was caused by a deep anger and resentment against Tin.

All this time!!! All this goddamn time!!! He knew he couldn't trust Tin anymore.

The tables had been turned. In the beginning when he first met Tin, Tin had accused him of being dirty and ready to take advantage of rich people's money. Now, he found Tin dirty, and plotting to take advantage of his money.

"To hell with you, Tin," he muttered under his breath as he sprinted up the stairs to take a much needed shower.

"Come back here, Cantaloupe!" his father called out to his son, but somehow he knew that his and Mr. Medthanan's plans were not going to go through as planned.

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