Chapter 23

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A/N: There will be some fictional characters who will be introduced in this chapter. They are not mentioned in the Love By Chance series. They are purely a figment of my imagination.

Can's POV

Needless to say, I had tremendous difficulty falling asleep. My mind kept playing back every pleasurable thing that Tin did to me. I tossed and turned all night.

I was awakened by my phone ringing under my pillow. The ringtone told me it  was Ae calling. I looked at the digital clock on my study desk. Whoa! It was almost eleven in the morning. Why didn't anyone come up to my room to wake me up?

I swiped my phone to take Ae's call.

"Hello," I said in a very sleepy tone.

"Can! Did I wake you up?" asked Ae.

"It's alright," I said, "what's up, Ae?"

"Well, Pete and I were thinking of organizing a get together at a nearby beach this coming Saturday since our vacation is almost over. Are you interested in joining us?"

"Sure," I said. I was wondering if they had invited Tin to come along but I wasn't going to ask Ae.

Ae must be absolutely psychic because the next thing he said was, "Will it be okay with you if we asked Tin to come along?"

"As long as I don't have to interact with him," I said.

"I will ask Pete to make sure of that," said Ae.

Fat chance, I thought. Pete was so meek and mild that it would be so easy for Tin to overpower him.

"We might have other people outside of our circle who might get invited to come," warned Ae.

"Like who?" I wanted to know.

"One of the members of our Engineering soccer team, Chakrii, is bringing two cousins of his to the beach,"said Ae, "they are from another city. They are just here to visit for a few days."

I knew Chakrii. We called him Chak for short. He was a tall good looking guy but was not a very valuable soccer player of the Engineering team to which Ae belonged.

"I have no problem with Chak bringing along some guests," I said.

"We're all set then," said Ae.

Right after I ended the call, my phone rang again. This time it was my close buddy Good. I knew what he was calling about.

"Of course I will give you a ride," I said to Good before he could say a single word.

Good chuckled at the other end.

"I will take care of the snacks and the drinks," he offered.

"Fine by me," I said, "be ready by 6:30, we have to beat the weekend traffic."

I told mom and dad on Friday night that I was joining my friends for a get together at a nearby beach on Saturday since by Monday it was the start of the next semester.

"Will it be an overnight stay at the beach?" Lay wanted to know.

"No, I'm coming back the same day by late afternoon or evening," I replied.

Mom and Dad were okay with me going to the beach.

"Just drive safely, son," said my dad.

"I will," I assured him.

Promptly at six-thirty of Saturday morning, I was waiting outside the gate of Good's home. I texted him that I was outside waiting for him.

Good went out of the gate and I stepped out of my car to meet him.

"Can you help me load the drinks and the snacks?" he asked. "I bought everything yesterday evening from the supermarket."

"Sure," I said, and walked through the gate with him and into his house.

Good had already placed the grocery bags full of assorted snacks by the door of his living room. It was the crate of drinks that he needed help with.

I lifted the crate that contained assorted sodas and bottled water while he carried the grocery bags of assorted snacks.

We piled everything into the trunk of my car and drove off to the beach. We didn't need to stop to buy some ice. Ae said that Pete was bringing along a large ice box that would be filled with bags of ice cubes. He and Pete were also in charge of providing disposable cups and plates and utensils.

I was a careful driver and made sure not to go beyond the speed limit.

By the time we reached the beach, everyone was already there. Good and I were the last to arrive. Everybody cheered as we walked to the shed carrying our load of snacks and drinks.

I saw Tin from my peripheral vision watching me intently but did not make a move to approach me. Pete must have talked to him about what I said to Ae about not wanting to have to interact with him.

Chakrii came over to help me and Good bring our load to the shed. Two ladies about our age followed him.

After he helped us settle our stuff on the table by the shed, he turned to me and Good and said, "I would like to introduce my two cousins to you, guys. They are from out of town. This is Jade and this is Malee."

I stretched out my hand and each one took turns to shake it. They were both very pretty but I was particularly attracted to Jade. She had a very unique face. She had the kind of loveliness that you could never get tired of looking at. She also had a very pretty and shy smile. Her long flowing hair smelled of freshly applied shampoo like she had just stepped out of a bath.

"Are you a college student or are you still in high school?" I asked her because she looked young enough to still be in high school.

"I am a college student," she said, "I'm studying to be a doctor."

I was totally floored.

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